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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Want a healthy brain? Have eggs for breakfast

Having eggs for breakfast does not increase the risk of dementia, a new study has found.

In fact, eating them may actually help to boost brain functions, scientists now claim.

Full of dietary cholesterol, previous research has linked them to heart attacks, high blood pressure and weight gain.

It is widely known that conditions which damage the heart, arteries or blood circulation all increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

But research has discovered that eating eggs only slightly affects blood cholesterol levels.



  1. Like they always have said :

  2. Another debunking of what to/not to eat to keep from getting an illness/condition.

    After changing eating habits, one is always told, years later, eating _____may actually help to boost ______
    The KEY word is MAY, which always changes after a while, to MAY NOT and give it another few years back to MAY.

  3. remember when eating eggs was supposed to be bad for you? along with milk, salt, coffee, ________ fill in blank. Then years later, everything is okay to eat. I guess it just matters on which food they are trying to sell at the time.

  4. Eggs are very healthy. Great source of protein. Still relatively low in price for the protein and other nutrients in the egg. Keeps you full for a long time. Yes, Love my eggs...

  5. Joe you better have a doz a day.

  6. An egg is nothing but boneless chicken.

  7. 4 a day, every day. I am 63, take no meds.


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