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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Virginia Refuses to Track Refugee TB, State's High Rate of Foreign-Born Cases Climbs

The state of Virginia refuses to track the number of refugees it resettles who are diagnosed with active tuberculosis (TB).

This refusal continues even as the number of cases diagnosed in the state has increased for two consecutive years, from 180 in 2013 — the year former Democratic National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe, a staunch Clinton ally, was elected governor — to 198 in 2014, the year he took office, to 212 in 2015, the last year for which data is available.

The percentage of foreign-born cases of TB in Virginia has increased from 74 percent in 2013 (147 out of 180) to 79 percent in 2015 (168 out of 212), well above the national average of 66 percent in 2015 (6,350 out of 9,536).

In the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2015, those 6,350 foreign-born cases of TB were broken down into the following categories of immigration status upon arrival:



  1. The commonwealth of Virginia has always been a liberal bastion! These tards know that tracking an illness can lead to the information being used for deportation... They're catering to the illegals over their own citizens!

  2. 3/4 of VA is RED, while the populous of Northern VA and the Hampton Roads/Norfolk area are BLUE. Where's the most tax revenue generated from - Northern VA and Hampton/Norfolk areas (where the peeps are).

    908am - saying VA is a Liberal Bastion would be a stretch since the majority of the state legislature is RED. Old school REDS to be exact, who could get themselves out of a paper bag if given directions.

    Stay away VA with your problems - we (MDers) have enough on our plate already! No shew...shew away I say...Git Git Git!!!!

  3. Cut off their money,except enough to fly them back from where they from. Seems pretty simple to me!


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