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Sunday, January 15, 2017

U.S. Puts Bumblebee On The Endangered Species List For 1st Time

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has designated the rusty patched bumblebee an endangered species — the first such designation for a bumblebee and for a bee species in the continental U.S.

The protected status, which goes into effect on Feb. 10, includes requirements for federal protections and the development of a recovery plan. It also means that states with habitats for this species are eligible for federal funds.

"Today's Endangered Species listing is the best—and probably last—hope for the recovery of the rusty patched bumble bee," NRDC Senior Attorney Rebecca Riley said in a statement from the Xerces Society, which advocates for invertebrates. "Bumble bees are dying off, vanishing from our farms, gardens, and parks, where they were once found in great numbers."

Large parts of the Eastern and Midwestern United States were once crawling with these bees, Bombus affinis, but the bees have suffered a dramatic decline in the last two decades due to habitat loss and degradation, along with pathogens and pesticides.



  1. Long overdue. I didn't see one last summer. No honeybees, either.
    No bees = no food.
    The environmentalists keep telling us about it, and we want to help, but no one is telling us how. Other than growing more flowers, what can we do. How do we start a hive?
    What's killing them?

  2. Bees are no longer needed by the Big AG businesses who grow and sell us "fake food" (GMO Products).

    The Bees were killed by the GMO products themselves.

  3. 12:19 You may be on to something. It is possible that GMO plants and pesticide resistant (thanks Monsanto) plants are causing pollinating insects to become extinct.
    This is more important than the climate change parade. I don't think a little change in temperature is killing the bees.
    So, department of agriculture: please let us know what WE can do to help restore the bee population. Free bee hives, give plants away, etc. stop talking and start doing.

  4. 12:19--
    Exactly. Thank Monsanto, for one.

  5. 12:54 PM are your really that stupid? of course GMO is the problem.
    No other country allows it.

  6. The bees are dying because of our over-spraying of neonicotoid containing pesticides produced by Bayer which merged with....Monsanto.

    RE Climate change, if flowers are blooming earlier in the season due to heightened temps, it disrupts the natural timing of the bees. By the time they're ready to pollinate there is decreased nectar available and thus more competition for the available nectar. Cause and effect.

  7. Please people before you spout off do some research!

    The Russians hacked the beehives....LOL!

    Actually is has been determined to be a virus that is killing the bees.

  8. 1:15 I guess I am. thanks for insulting someone you've never met.

  9. Animals and human genetic changes as well. None of these good.

  10. And the govt allowed Monsanto to do their own testing and of course they said there is no danger in GMOs. Anything that is not natural is poison to living organisms. It may take some time to have a reaction from it but it will come. Trump should authorize an independent study on GMOs. But Monsanto and farmers would scream foul. They care more about money than people's health.

  11. There are 46 different species of Bumblebees in the US, only one species has been listed as endangered. while this is something we should pay attention to... I dont think we should panic just yet.

  12. when I didn't see ANY bees in my yard this year... that is something to be alarmed about. I'm not a scientist, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express.
    You don't need a scientific study to tell you the obvious. Like my wife looking at her phone to tell me it's going to rain... after I look outside and see it already is.
    This is not something we can deny. The bees- and not just this species of bumble bee- have declined DRAMATICALLY over the last 2 years.
    Just like crabs, rockfish and oysters... if we work together, we can restore the populations.

  13. Does this mean if I kill one I'll be thrown in jail?

  14. 1:15 if anyone on here is stupid it's you.

  15. GMO and chemicals = no bees. period... More and more people are waking up to these issues and are starting to push back. I hope it's not too late to save the bees. all need to speak up and stop and refuse to purchase GMO and non-organic foods. put pressure where needed for as long as you can. call food companies customer service numbers and register your concerns and complaints. some of these companies are coming around...

  16. The environmentalists keep telling us about it, and we want to help, but no one is telling us how. Other than growing more flowers, what can we do. How do we start a hive?
    What's killing them?

    January 13, 2017 at 12:08 PM

    Try the internet/youtube.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:54 PM are your really that stupid? of course GMO is the problem.
    No other country allows it.

    January 13, 2017 at 1:15 PM

    For one, you're wrong about this being the only country that allows it. And do you have to be so rude? Nobody should be talking or looking down at anyone unless they are helping them up. You will need it at least once in your lifetime.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Please people before you spout off do some research!

    The Russians hacked the beehives....LOL!

    Actually is has been determined to be a virus that is killing the bees.

    January 13, 2017 at 2:26 PM

    Yours is a novel idea but some can't even read an article before "spouting off" much less research a topic.

  17. It's all about the money---
    Pesticides----BIG BUSINESS !!

  18. We used to have a species of hummingbird that was no larger than a big bumblebee.That was in the 60's.

  19. People can argue its a virus killing the bees but im convinced its peaticides and gmo crops. When plants are being developed that emit their own pesticide to kill bugs we have gone too far. People seem to foget the soft shells of eggs birds experienced spraying farm chemicals, this is no different.

  20. Microwaves cell towers give off killing bees.

  21. All of you are wrong about the culprit responsible,because throughout history bees have become almost extinct any number of times.Cycles are just as responsible for the decline of bees as they are the weather patterns.We cannot play God,and insects of all types will flourish on this planet long after we're gone.We'll have warm years and colder than average years regardless of what WE do.


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