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Sunday, January 15, 2017

U.S. Navy destroyer fires warning shots at Iranian vessels -U.S. officials

WASHINGTON, Jan 9 (Reuters) - A U.S. Navy destroyer fired three warning shots at four Iranian fast-attack vessels after they closed in at a high rate of speed near the Strait of Hormuz, two U.S. defense officials told Reuters on Monday.

The incident, which occurred Sunday and was first reported by Reuters, comes as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take office on Jan. 20. In September, Trump vowed that any Iranian vessels that harass the U.S. Navy in the Gulf would be "shot out of the water."

The officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the USS Mahan established radio communication with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps boats but they did not respond to requests to slow down and continued asking the Mahan questions.

The Navy destroyer fired warning flares and a U.S. Navy helicopter also dropped a smoke float before the warning shots were fired.



  1. Obama needs a war in the next 11 days.

  2. Blow them out of the water!!!

  3. Hope Trump will keep his word on this one. Blow them out of the water and the harassment will stop. Better than that, take out the nuks that Obama is allowing them to have.

  4. Why are we wasting ammunition on warning shots?
    Send a 16 inch round for effect!

  5. Take out the lead raft..See what the rest do.

  6. With the cost of ammo being what it is today, no warning shots should be fired. Fire to kill only.

  7. We need to get back respect from the rest of the world. Make an example of them mr trump

  8. His Russian hoax blew up in his face this is a diversion.

  9. No 16 inch guns anymore!

  10. I heard from the NEWS that we don't have a carrier in the Persian Gulf at this time so there is no sea-based air support. However, we do have an airbase in Saudi Arabia or Kuwait still.

  11. I'm with you guys that say blow their butts out of the water.

  12. They may be called fast attack boats, but they're not fast enough to outrun what a destroyer or fast frigate can lay on them from 20 miles away and more.

  13. Iranians call them fast attack we on the shore call them John boats.

  14. They are not in our 'front yard',we are in their 'back yard', and we should "blow them out of the water" because...??? Maybe we should mind our own business and just come home.

  15. Tell them to just wait until Trump is in office
    and try that again...........

    Time to teach them who's Boss and a lesson they won't
    forget .......

  16. After Jan 20 NO MORE WARNING SHOTS ....Be Warned !!!!

  17. Try that after MAD DOG in charge !!!

    They will be on theirs knees next time !!!

  18. They will try The US Navy one time Too Many !!!

  19. sent some Cruise missiles to Iran next time
    target those Nuke sites..before they go active !!!

  20. Looks like Kerry/Clinton/Obama deal is working out very well! 😏 Put morons in charge of foreign policy what do you expect. Yeah Obama has been a great president. Not. Liberals should never be given power again. They're impotently incompetent!

  21. Soon, thanks to Demon-crats missiles will be flying
    towards America......

    Iran, North Korea , to name a few , maybe Russia's too

    Enjoy Life....it could End tomorrow !!! FAct

  22. The Enemies have already been Ruining America by buying off
    those in power here , for business, and money ,jobs .

    Without firing a shot !!

    Nafta , were Clinton sold us out is good example .......

    Plants here closing, jobs lost, driving America Bankrupt!!

  23. America owes China (an Enemy) those Trillions ....

    This has to stop......America IS Bankrupt ..write it Off !!


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