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Monday, January 09, 2017

US Army Unveils New Physical Assessment Test

The U.S. Army has launched a new physical fitness test designed to determine if new recruits and soldiers can meet the physical demands of certain jobs such as infantry and armor specialties.

The Occupational Physical Assessment Test, or OPAT, will be administered to all recruits as a way to assess their fitness for military occupational specialties, or MOSs.

U.S. Army Recruiting Command estimates the test will be administered each year to about 80,000 recruits and thousands of cadets.



  1. So future Snowflakes like Fatty McFatterson's won't have a chance???

    Just checking Army!

  2. They didn't make any of the standards HARDER. They REDUCED the minimums and extended times.
    Google the Danish Army.
    That will be the USA in 5 more years.

  3. My mid-twenties, soon to be SF, son said that he broke almost all the fitness tests at Ft. Benning. He said these younger millennials have no idea what fitness means. He wanted the staff sergeant to push them more..."nope, can't do that", he said.
    He calls it the pussification of the armed-forces.
    Glad to see higher standards coming.

  4. the standards are not higher. they are for the transgender, lesbian club so they can now become elite forces. at least that's what they tell them! cannon fodder in reality!


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