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Friday, January 06, 2017

Union: Baltimore City Police in ‘Crisis’ Due to Officer Shortage

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore City’s Police Union is sounding the alarm because they say the department is in crisis due to the fact that it has too few officers.

According to a new report, there are more than 100 fewer Baltimore City PD officers than last year, with the union saying this poses a safety concern as officers are being overworked.

The police union president calls the situation “dire.”

“You get in a crisis mode like we’re in right now with crime out of control and not enough uniformed officers on the street,” said Lt. Gene Ryan, president of the Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police. “I would say it’s at a crisis point.”



  1. Well, duh.

    Why would anybody want to be a Baltimore cop after what has transpired over the last two years?

  2. Sounds just like Salisbury Police Department. They are at that point now and both the Mayor and City Council refuse to do anything about the known problem. At lease a real Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City are addressing the problem before it gets as bad as Salisbury.......

  3. This city is run by DEMS...is there any wonder???

  4. I wouldn't want to be a police officer in Baltimore or anywhere else right now. They have to watch every move they make or someone with a camera will holler, "__________________." Just fill in the blank. Racism, excessive violence, corruption, etc... It doesn't matter if the criminal has a gun, a knife, or a brick. They are supposed to TALK it away from them. And if the criminal has been doing PCP they are supposed to come up with 10 cops with super human strength to deal with him/her rather than just shooting the crazed criminal. Taking bath salts and eating a victim. Still better be careful. Wouldn't want to be accused of excessive force.

  5. All of the police in Baltimore should not show up for work for a week, and do as the mayor said, "Give them room to burn and destroy".

  6. 12:48 You are correct. Lack of leadership and respect for the law is the reason why. It showed it's ugly head with the riots in Baltimore when the Mayor told the police to "stand down" and give them space to destroy.

  7. This is what the projects and states attorney wanted. She got her picture in a magazine and direct line to the White House.

  8. Call in the nat'l guard round up all the gang bangers and put their butts to work at REALLY hard labor and things will change.

  9. What is really going on at SPD?

  10. LOL and who is paying for it. The minority neighborhoods of course. But they grew it so they have to sit down, shut up and suck it up. They proved they don't want LE in their neighborhoods because they are "racist" and it's "profiling" so they are getting their just rewards with the record number of black on black murders and shootings and they deserve it.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Well, duh.

    Why would anybody want to be a Baltimore cop after what has transpired over the last two years?

    January 6, 2017 at 12:36 PM

    Why would most people want to be a cop, when your fellow cop next to you does things that put both of your lives and careers on the line.

  12. You have to support the thin blue line or the thin blue line will disappear. The Freddy Brown case was a travesty of justice and now everyone in Baltimore is paying for it.


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