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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Two-Time Purple Heart Recipient Marine Proposes To Girlfriend At Trump Inauguration Ball

This is an incredibly moving and happy story. A two-time Purple Heart recipient who is a Marine, chose Donald Trump’s ‘Armed Forces Ball’ to propose to his girl. As the First Family blew kisses from the stage and the First Couple danced before a mostly military audience, Shane Kruchten proposed to Reena Norville. She of course said yes with tears in her eyes. It’s an impressive way to make your whole life great again.

Kruchen has seen it all pretty much. He was deployed to Iraq twice. Both times he returned stateside with life-threatening injuries. “Most people can’t say they spent their 18th, 20th, and 21st birthdays all in a hospital recovering from war wounds,” he quipped as his new fiancé took his hand. But that’s not all this man has faced down… he deals with alcoholism, has beaten back drug abuse and has tried to take his own life after leaving the service. But Reena saved him from his demons and from himself. Now they will be together for good as man and wife.



  1. Dave T: Great job !!! Congrats :)

  2. I hope he beats his demons and they have a long and happy life.

  3. Sounds happily ever after if he'll get his act together.

  4. Congratulations and Best Wishes!

  5. Semper Fi Lance Corp.

    H company
    3rd battalion


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