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Monday, January 23, 2017

Trump inauguration ratings second biggest in 36 years

Donald Trump’s inauguration ratings were the second-highest in 36 years, according to Nielsen.

The swearing-in of the 45th president was seen by 30.6 million viewers across 12 networks.

The only inauguration over the last three decades that tops Trump’s number in the linear ratings? Barack Obama’s first inauguration back in 2009, which had a record-setting 37.8 million viewers. So Trump was down from the last new president to take office.

But before that, to get an Inauguration Day number this high, you’d have to go all the way back to Ronald Reagan in 1981, who was seen by 41.8 million viewers (Nielsen released tracking for inauguration ratings back to 1969).

Trump’s numbers are all the more remarkable considering he’s entering into office with rather low approval ratings compared to past presidents and sparked protests worldwide along with vows to not watch his inauguration.



  1. Viewership for Trump was greater, because I, like many others, watched it live over the internet.

  2. Let us not forget that, no matter how you feel about him, Obama was the first black POTUS. A lot of people undoubtedly showed up for that reason and no other.

  3. 12:28PM

    Obama is the worst president in history.

  4. @12:03, great point!
    @12:08 Obama was half white. I always think of him as bi-racial. LOL

  5. Alternative facts!!!

    1. Give it a rest... Alternative facts meant the truth compared to what the media reported

  6. 12:28
    That would be President Trump to you.

  7. I only watch Obama's because he was black, I watched Trump because I support him and really wanted to.

  8. I also watched on my phone because I was...wait for it...at work. And for all you snowflakes who are going to say I was not working if I was watching on my phone, you are correct. I was on my lunch break.

  9. 12:28 Douche? I don't know about him being a douche but he certainly was a race baiter and a muslim sympathizer. Obummer will go down as the worst president ever. Oh and guess what?...HE IS YOUR PRESIDENT snowflake :)

  10. who cares about the size of Trump crowd vs Obammys crowd? Obammy wasn't running for office and the one who was (killary) didn't even have a crowd. Put it in gear and let's move on.


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