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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Times Be A Changin'

By Thornton Crowe

What's with all the seemingly mass hysteria surrounding Donald Trump's inauguration? Trying to remember if there was ever such dissent and discourse in our history, the only other time that comes to mind is 1969. The country was already embroiled in vehement debate because, unlike today, we were in the first widely televised war. After the initial discount, it soon became obvious that in the 60s, liberals were protesting because they didn't want to go to war while now, they're protesting because they don't want to go to work!

Trump supporters voted for a complete change in DC and the way it does business. No longer are we willing to accept the skyrocketing spending sprees, forced Obamacare and governmental meddling into our every decision. Finally, we've awoken up from our Liberal/MSM hazes and said it's not a bad thing to be American again - unlike the last thirty years where we've been scolded and bullied into shame for having pride in America.

Let's face it, we've entered the age where tangible results are king! It's not enough to just talk about issues to placate voters every two years. Results!

Yes, this was a true change election and one that will produce results as Trump will govern like a CEO instead of a political ideological hack, lacking Common Sense. He is a doer, which means now, DC is running scared. He is actually doing what he said he was going to do -- put people back to work by bringing back (and retaining) jobs to America. Scary actions produce scary times and our youngsters are about to be weened off the government plantation and actually get a job! Hence, making Trump a more legitimate president than the last four, combined. Imagine that!

In addition to the patently false dossier created by the GOPe during the primary, last week's bigger upset was when the State Department became inflamed over a request from our President Elect. The Transition Team asked all its employees to to submit job descriptions and justify what they do on a daily basis. Furthermore, in these job explanations, they had to illustrate where they've actually achieved tangible results -- code meaning: how they've earned their salaries.

Heavens to Murgatroyd... You mean, like corporations do all the time to assess efficiency? How dare Trump have the audacity to expect government to be efficient? What's up there?

All these loony liberal tantrums are merely an organized effort to shanghai Americans into buying this mythical notion that an efficiently-run government is a bad one because the DC class has lived off the biggest welfare government subsidy of them all. We've allowed them, through our own apathy, to cash in at our expense for so long that now, when they have justify their existence, they're crying victimhood!

Political loafers like Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell are now required to produce results because gone are the days of empty words and platitudes being blindly accepted. Yes, indeed we've rattled some mighty cages and now, we're having to tolerate infantile tantrums. It's become pointedly obvious, the only thing bipartisan among the DC Elites is a penchant for waste, fraud, kickbacks, abuse and sloth!

We're in for the yuge changes we've voted for... momentous ones that will actually wrangle our government into working efficiently and with Common Sense while being ever-thoughtful of budgetary restraint. Simply put, our government will begin to work for us; not the other way around! Isn't it about time?

Buy your favorite whiner an alarm clock... time to go back to work!

How say you?


  1. Exactly, the left are organizing the chaos, funding the protests, and making the death threats to anyone scheduled to participate in the inauguration. They are proving to be the intolerant ones. They are the ones creating this madness and squashing our freedoms. It's clearly apparent here what the socialist agenda is all about. The globalists lost this time around. And we freedom-loving Americans should continue to stand up to them.

  2. The Left loves to cry about everything. They're great at it. They whine and live off fake news stories to validate their existence. You can't make everyone happy but these idiots are never happy. They'll always find something to bitch about so screw them. They can go pound sand.

  3. Moderate minded people hate the violent Democrat disruptions in the country and voted them out.

  4. As usual this is a good post from you , I'm a little tired of all the negative media and the black comments from congress. When will they realize it's over.
    If by some chance they want civil war , It may come sooner than later . If Al Sharpton and his racist buddies keep pushing , so be it.
    He uses MLK as an excuse , he probably don't know what his dram was.
    Anyway in the final thoughts I have , I think it boils down to nothing but racist content from the democrats and the like.

  5. Trump getting ready to kick ass!

  6. One thing's for sure he needs to gut the entire intel community and start building a coalition of investigators who honor our laws and investigate with integrity. No more politicizing investigations and allowing idiots like Clinton be above the law. He needs to put his foot down and demand them to be apolitical in every sense. Another thing he will be doing is following the Constitution. We haven't had one of those presidents since before Lincoln.

  7. Your dead on as always Mr Crowe!

  8. 9:56, that's exactly why Hillary should be prosecuted. While we are at it, I would do something about the run wild Federal Student College Loan funds. That would be a start to tamp down these College left wingers.

  9. 10:11AM I think you're going to see the Student Loan situation begin to blossom with the new Administration. There's been talk about a lot of defunding which includes Academia because that bubble is one we can't afford to burst. It's times for universities to be held responsible for giving entire generations of unemployables and be held accountable for such frivolous pursuits.

    To address your Hillary Prosecuted comment, read this article by the True Pundit this morning. Things are now heating up with the Clinton Foundation and it's not looking good for Clinton and her fellow convicts-in-waiting. Article: http://truepundit.com/fbi-nypd-clinton-foundation-probed-for-global-money-laundering-financial-transactions-with-islamic-terror-groups/

  10. I work around a lot of Democrats and even they are getting pissed off about all the protesting and shoutouts by celebrities. They're turning off moderates in a major way. Some voted for Clinton but have said they wouldn't do it again after watching how idiotic the party has handled this loss. Look to many Democrats abandoning ship. All that will be left is the radicals who will never gain the numbers necessary to win a presidency or seat again.

  11. How come you didn't mention Meryl Streep? Her verbal diarrhea ticked me off.

  12. The left has been running the show for almost 8 years. O blah blah was the next coming of Christ. It hasn't sunk in what is about to happen. Also, they have no idea what's it's like to not have a popular opinion any more. They have been exposed as failures and it's about time. The riots and protesting has helped the right way more than it hurt the left. I say let them keep doing dumb stuff because it only helps Trump.

  13. I believe the Left - Right paradigm is a false one.
    It was created by the elites who totally own and control the US government.
    This government is one of the most corrupt in the world.
    It is the BANKERS who control our lives by tricking us into using fiat currencies with no intrinsic value.
    This enabled them to counterfeit the currency - print it out of thin air.
    They bought all of the assets with plastic money (debt) and rigged all of the markets.

    Mr. Trump will either work for them or go away.

    There will be no draining of any swamps.
    The swamps are there because the elites want them to be there.
    They created the swamp.

    Just ask the Kennedy Family.

  14. 1132 you seem to like getting all in an uproar about the bankers. Yes bankers do have some strongholds but at the end of day, things can change. Nobody believed Trump would win and he proved them wrong. Why do you weigh in week after week with this banker nonsense when it has nothing to do with the articles? It just seems strange. You have your own belief system that doesn't change so why bother?

  15. Millinial snowflakes are the clueless anti american Idiots like in the 60s.

    1. Many protests had some merit in 60s but now not so much. Their fight was about something a bit more important than losing entitlement programs 1220.

  16. 1-23-17 (Monday) - the 1st day back to work for EVERYONE and we get back on track!

    Change happens ALL the time, we'll get over it quickly and do better things than before!

    Regardless of changes 2 things are always certain
    (1) the sun rises and sets EVERYDAY
    (2) TGIF is always on FRIDAY.....

    speaking of which, ONLY 5 days until the next GREAT FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. There's an alarm clock on the Obamaphones, but training is needed on how to use it, along with a good reason.

    1. And you believe the Obamaphones will continue? 1259 your comment makes no sense at all.

  18. Did you see a online article on DM that 1/3 of welfare food is spent on soda.

  19. Nice article, Mr. Crowe, and thank you.

  20. Great article, Thornton.
    Tomorrow, we celebrate the birthday of the greatest civil rights leader our country has ever seen. How disgusted he would be with the Sharpton/Obama/Clinton/MSM race baiting and calls for BLM violence against police.
    As I keep saying, we need good, RESPECTABLE black leaders who understand the real problems and stop blaming whites.
    We have schools that are afraid to send marching bands for the inauguration because the liberal left groups are threatening them with retaliation. This is un-f*#!ing-believable. What is an honor to most, is considered disgraceful to these disgusting liberal elites. What kind of country have we become?
    It's time to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!

    1. John Lewis should be ashamed of his participation in this BS of the low feeding scum like Sharpton. To put himself in same category has only diminished his prominence and smeared his own history. Shameful.

  21. John Lewis should be ashamed of backing Hillary.

  22. i think 1132 made some great points.
    just sayin'

  23. Trump has already saved more jobs than obama ever did and that was before he was even sworn in.


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