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Sunday, January 08, 2017

This is exactly whats wrong with the Millenial generation!


  1. Millennials lives off the backs of their working parents.

  2. The ones I work with are greedy selfish gossiping backstabbing liars, that would steal from their mothers. I have no use for them. me me me me me

  3. How can it be fixed?

    1. Like the commercial said," Army,Navy,Air Force,Marines, it's a great place to start".

    2. He gives ideas and examples of how to fix it...

  4. HE is spot on? Giving them a pass and exonerating them for their horrendous behavior? I know a lot of people who had crappy parents and turned out to be good people. Grow up.

  5. The Millenials are "victims" of the lost art of parenting. At some point political correctness and the lack of corporal punishment bested respect and obedience. Somehow it became cool to have your children as best buds instead of the traditional adult/parent to child relationship. Why should this generation be expected to be anything more when they were told mischief and disrespect was just being a kid. The parents who still have their kids at home and dependent have no one to blame but themselves for failing to take charge and be responsible when they should have been. You reap what you sow.

  6. Im a "millennial", I quit Facebook years ago. I'm not addicted to my phone. I rejected the corporate world to work on the water which provides me everything I need and enough left over for entertainment and enjoyment. I have and will continue to make a difference in the world through art, which I enjoy greatly even though I know I don't have the talent to do it professionally. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for eight years and in about 20 more we will own our home.
    He hit the nail on the head when he said that the problem is parenting. Thank you Mom for making me better prepared for the world than the majority of my peers.

  7. 10:20
    So your brilliant solution is to require the young mis-guided people to shave their heads, and go half way around the world to kill Muslims for Israel?


    Got Totalitarianism?

    1. You think that's the only thing military does? I thought your boy obama ended the war? Not all Muslims are bad!! The military kills terrorist because they are killing us. Not sure if your drunk or trolling maybe both

    2. Haha, thank you. Military teaches you to obey, not to think. The only positive is the training, if you are lucky enough to get it. Most are just front line cannon fodder.

  8. Jake day
    Jim ireton


  9. Rumor is ....
    Chief duncan is buzzing around SU for a chief job.I guess to help cover up off campus on campus crime ?.

  10. 1125 - the fact that your post simply paints all military as muslim killers in the thrall of Israel's leadership says more about you than it does about the military.

  11. 8 years married and another 20 MORE to own a house 1057am?

    BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ you just disqualified yourself and remain labeled as a Millenial.

    If you cannot own an asset, maybe a change in environment/lifestyle will enable you to earn more to own a HUGE asset earlier. Boomers and their children did just that to be successful rather than living off others AND or Gov't - which so many on the eastern shore do.

    1. 10:57 here,
      Have never taken a penny from the government. Millennials have to deal with the screwed up situation in this country caused by YOUR generation! The hippies that grew up and sold out. Don't lecture me about how I manage my finances. I can either pay 5% interest on my home or wait to buy one and lose 3% of my saving every year on inflation as well as paying $1000 per month to the local slumlords. We live in an economy (of your generations creation) where holding debt is better than holding savings.
      The point I was making was that I am a Millennial, just as I said in my post, who despite the pitfalls of many of my peers have found my purpose and am achieving success without expecting instant gratification. I credited my mother with that. Your response sounds like that of one of the crappy parents described in the video. I'm guessing you might have a 25 year old junkie living in your basement and you're bitter.

  12. 1:12
    It says to me that the commenter has a brain.

    I tell every young person I meet, do NOT join the military.
    The US government is a pawn of the Zionists.
    If you haven't figured that out yet, then you aren't paying attention.

    You may wish to study the MSM reporting on so-called terror events while you are at it.
    They are almost entirely created from whole cloth by the intelligence agencies: CIA, Mossad, MI5

    People need to understand WHO owns the media companies from which they are receiving propaganda.
    They are owned entirely (in the West) by Zionists.
    Americans are being mind controlled.

  13. Interesting take, but I disagree that corporations have a responsibility to nurture personal growth. That was the responsibility of the parents and schools who coddled them. A company doesn't have 18+ years to monitor maturation.

  14. Trump needs to END the millinial insurance at 23 Not 26 a year after college is enough pay your OWN WAY Snowflake.

  15. Good comeback 5:09.
    I'm 52 and some of these old illiterate angry farts like 1:25 are the types that always want to point the finger at everybody else instead of holding themselves accountable sometimes and looking in the mirror to find the source of the problem.

  16. Millenials are 1984 and above.

  17. And a parent thinks they are qualified to be a parent bc they are one. Fact is, every one of us is qualified to the porportionate extent and ability of our parents and the experience we have gathered.
    As a professional I can tell yoi firsthand those mothers and fathers least qualified are the most difficult to reason with and reach.


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