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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Think The Aftermath Of The Election Was Bad? Wait Until Inauguration Day

After Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton and was elected the next president of the United States, all hell broke loose in America. Stars took to the airwaves to weep and rend their hair. Schools actually shut down and offered counseling. Protests blocked roadways. Some of the protests devolved into riots, and organizations funded by George Soros added fuel to those fires.

Violence and hatred spread like a pandemic virus.

Then, things settled down, although the defeated liberals were still unhappy. Cities went back to normal, and anti-Trump vitriol returned mainly to its verbal form, (with a few horrifying exceptions, discussed below.)
But maybe they were just saving their energy for the inauguration on the 20th.

People have been talking about making Inauguration Day the biggest protest in the history of the United States, but plans seem to be escalating. (Go here to get a free guide that will help you to prepare for unrest if it comes your way. You’ll also get updates on the fluid situation. )

Some people are planning joking about a real life Purge, modeled after the movies of the same name. In the movies, for a 12 hour period every year, all bets are off. All laws are suspended. All emergency services are canceled. People are completely free to do whatever they want, including to seek retribution and vengeance from anyone who has wronged them. Lots of folks lock down and try to hang in until morning, while others go out for a gleeful night of murder, vandalism, and mayhem.

Piper McGowan of The Daily Sheeple found a motherlode of unsettling tweets from liberals who seem ready to go out on Inauguration and do their own version of a Purge. She wrote:



  1. At my age, after seeing so many presidential transitions, this really saddens me. Now don't get me wrong, between Johnson and Nixon, there were VERY bad times, much worse than today, but I thought we had passed all that. Since Bork and Clarence Thomas, things have gotten so very coarse in our government. Since we took the Bible and God out of our Government/Public schools our little snowflakes (teachers and students) have gone downhill and are LESS educated than ever. Number 13 in the world is not good.

    I'm not commenting on this for an argument as these are facts that can't be denied and since I lived through all this and more I'm more able to see it as it happened than the younger commenters on here.

  2. We Got BIKER security ...all will be fine .......!!!!


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