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Friday, January 27, 2017

Teacher Suspeneded Over Faux-assassination of Trump



  1. Some actions in the workplace are akin to touching the third rail. This is one example.

    She should be discharged, and looking for her next career.

  2. should be fired. period...what would you have done if your children were in that class? poor excuse for a teacher...HOME SCHOOL

  3. Suspended ? if this was said about obama they would have been FIRED ?

  4. Many years ago a neighbor made a comment about Pres. Carter and that he should be shot during the hostage crises, he disappeared for 72 hours of intense questioning. He is now a very quiet person, never speaks about politics.

  5. Nobody that dumb should be teaching children anything.

  6. needs a mental evaluation since it appears they are mentally unstable

  7. Anonymous said...
    Suspended ? if this was said about obama they would have been FIRED ?

    January 27, 2017 at 10:40 AM

    Was just thinking the same thing. If this were done while Obama was in office she would have been fired immediately and would have also been labeled a racist.

  8. Democrat self serving logic - Majority of Teachers, Hollywood Liberals, Welfare Bums


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