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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tancredo: Mandatory E-Verify for Employment Should be Trump’s Priority

Yes, the wall on our southwest border can and should be built. But it is less important than enacting the mandatory E-Verify system for employment.

Let’s face it. We all know it is the prospect of a better life through employment that attracts the vast majority of border jumpers. Our system for blocking unlawful employment of foreign-born workers who lack a lawful work permit has always been a joke, and under Obama, enforcement has been an even lower priority than it was under Bush.

Congress can turn off the jobs magnet by enacting the mandatory E-Verify program, an internet-based system allowing instant verification of the legal status of job applicants. It has an error rate of less than 1 percent and costs employers next to nothing.

Foreign born workers have no constitutional right to employment. Like every European country, Mexico and all of the advanced nations of the world, the United States has a system of “work authorization permits” for legal employment by immigrants and all foreign nationals. The problem is, our laws against unlawful employment are not enforced– in fact, they are unenforceable without major changes and improvements.

If we turn off the jobs magnet, illegal entry across our borders can change from a flood to a trickle. Then the Border Patrol could concentrate on stopping terrorists and drug traffickers..

More here


  1. Pass It. Eliminate the reason many illegals come here. Problem solved.

  2. If we cut off entitlements to illegals, no public school, no discounted college, no free healthcare, no under the table jobs, will people still come in droves?

  3. One more thing that would help, instead of legal guest workers, put all able bodys who are on welfare,snap,etc. to do the work of guest workers. Save even more tax payers money.


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