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Monday, January 30, 2017

Surprise! Trump doing what he said he would

In his first frantic week at the White House, Donald Trump is doing almost exactly what he promised to do during his campaign, stunning those who thought he'd adapt his style as president.

Trump has signed an executive order to begin building a wall on the Mexican border and doubled down on his promises to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement and repeal ObamaCare.

Actions to temporarily suspend visas for people coming to the United States from a number of Muslim nations are expected to come soon.

Trump hasn't stopped tweeting either, nor has he quit his habit of launching into new fights seemingly on a whim. Much of his first week in office has been dominated by his claims, without any evidence, that massive voter fraud cost him a popular vote victory to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.



  1. This should not surprise anyone. Trump is probably the only President in history that is doing exactly what he said he would do in his campaign. I know it is a rare thing for a politician to do what he claimed he would. But Trump is not a politician. And that is the reason he won the election. it is great to have a President keeping his promises. He never had to leave his rich cushy life. He had everything. But like most Americans he got tired of politicians being elected by the people and then doing just the opposite of what the people wanted. So he decided to do something about it and he had the money to back himself up. I say great job President Trump. keep on keeping those promises and maybe we can dig out of the Obama mess and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

  2. First politician I've seen in my lifetime that is doing what he said he was going to do. Refreshing.


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