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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

State Prosecutor Alleges Mayor Pugh Took Out Improper Loan For Campaign

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore’s first truly competitive mayoral race in years lead to a last-minute campaign rush for cash. The state prosecutor is looking to an improper loan taken out by Mayor Catherine Pugh.

With big spending for ads with no incumbent, and a showdown with former mayor Sheila Dixon, big money came pouring into Catherine Pugh’s campaign, including $315,000 dollars in loans.

Our media partner, The Baltimore Sun, reports that one loan, made just six days before the primary, is now under investigation by the state prosecutor. It’s the latest scandal involving Pugh’s campaign’s finances.

Pugh herself is not accused of doing anything wrong and earlier this month spoke about her fundraising.



  1. They wont lock her up bc she is AA.

  2. This is the 2nd scandal for Pugh since coming into office. She is going to make Sheila Dixon look like Mother Teresa.

  3. Just another dirty democrat !!


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