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Sunday, January 08, 2017

Should Wicomico County Allow Hunting On Sunday?


  1. As one who only occasionally hunts, I've always felt that Sundays were for non-hunters to enjoy the outdoors without risk of being shot. Fall, Winter, and Spring are all great times to be afield- even if you're just shooting a camera.

  2. Maryland already allows Sunday hunting for deer.

    1. not every sunday and private land only

  3. yes, absolutely should, not just private land but public lands also {owned by the tax payers} quality family time is important and should not be subject to the minimal saturday...if the weather cooperates.

  4. 11:55, I'm with you,no hunting on Sundays.

  5. Most of the year there is no hunting (except private land since its private and anything goes) any day so a few Sundays will not jeopardize anyone's personal schedules or belief's.

    Remember at the end of the day its ALL about the money!!!! The great state of MD loves its money!!!!

  6. Sunday hunting is fine!

  7. I wish I could take off work to hunt during the weekdays, for some of us Saturday and Sunday are the only days, I currently hunt on the allowed Sundays and would welcome more during rifle season. I have to hunt in Somerset county due to not being able to hunt in Wicomico on Sundays. Wicomico currently only allows it on 1 Sunday.

  8. Hunting should not be allowed on Sunday's. Bullets can travel thousands of feet, so whenever we hear shooting, we relocate to indoors to ensure the safety of our family.
    This is not overly burdensome if it is only 1 day per weekend.

  9. 12:46- I'm not sure what your situation is but unless someone is shooting from ground level and directly in your property's direction you have no danger. Most hunters hunt in the woods or shoot in the direction of woods and a bullet will hit a tree before it gets too far. I've never heard and read any reports of someone in their backyard shot by a random bullet from a hunter. I'm all for Sunday hunting. Why should the government be able to tell me when I'm allowed to go out and hunt for my family's food? That's ridiculous!

  10. This post is somewhat misleading. Deer hunting is already allowed on the first Sunday of deer season. The current question on the table, should hunting be allowed on the 2nd Sunday of deer season? So, please understand, there is already hunting allowed on that first Sunday, now it's being considered to allow hunting on the 2nd Sunday of the season. Thanks!

  11. 12:46 You could move back to suburbs of Baltimore. It's much safer there. What do you do when it's not hunting season and you hear shooting?

  12. 12:46 correction bullets can travel for miles. Just sayin.

  13. from the police website there appears to be hunting going on every day in da bury, so what's the question again?

  14. 1:10, Thank you for the clarification.If it's only the two Sundays of deer season, I would not be apposed to it.

  15. Bullets can travel for miles just on Sunday? Are you some kind of a nut job ?
    Bullets can travel miles on any day.
    Sunday hunting is already allowed in the county .
    This meeting is another waste of time and money.

  16. YES! Hunters paid for the land, not bird watchers or hikers, so it is ours for our use!

  17. 1:10, what about rabbits, squirrels, quail, goose, duck... there's more hunted here than just deer.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:46 You could move back to suburbs of Baltimore. It's much safer there. What do you do when it's not hunting season and you hear shooting?

    January 3, 2017 at 1:13 PM

    BAMMMM!!! You got that right!

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bullets can travel for miles just on Sunday? Are you some kind of a nut job ?
    Bullets can travel miles on any day.
    Sunday hunting is already allowed in the county .
    This meeting is another waste of time and money.

    January 3, 2017 at 2:00 PM

    I agree with you. It's another wasted meeting and a waste of time. The 2 idiot Democrats on the County Council that don't even hunt wanted a public hearing. John Cannon on the suggestion of Ernie Davis. Ernie Davis is so dumb I don't know how he even made it to retirement in the State Police.

  20. For years and years and years there was no Sunday Hunting allowed in Maryland. There's about 26 Sundays in a year and the proposal is to open hunting to 3 of them,yet all of a sudden "it should be saved to take a walk in the woods". Here we have a combination of Liberals,Tree Huggers and Anti-Hunters, and Anti-gun people who want to impose they're ideologies on the few men and women who don't have a chance to hunt during the week, or otherwise have the opportunity to do so.This was all concocted, hunting on Sunday that is, because the State of Maryland did such a piss poor job regulating the deer population, so now the farmers were complaining about the crop damage,motor vehicle accidents with deer on the rise so DNR adds Sunday Hunting on Private Land and, AND adds a ridiculous bag limit, who in the hell needs to or wants to kill 14 Deer as a legal bag limit that two large freezers couldn't hold the meat. i would SUSPECT if the deer population was brought back under control Sunday Hunting would again be made illegal. I would also SUSPECT that 90% of the people complaining aren't from the Eastern Shore.

  21. Hunting is allowed on Sundays in just about every state but Maryland. Guess what, no one is getting shot...

  22. 52 Sundays in each/every year...at most we're talking a potential max of 4 of the 52 and during the latter part of Nov and 1st 3 in Dec. Again a Potential for 4 Sundays of hunting - but 3 would be just as good.

    $$$$$ drives the MD train - not what people want or believe in!


  23. 1:10 Thanks for providing context.

    I don't hunt but don't oppose it; many co-workers hunt. Take the occasional hike and enjoy taking photos of scenery, birds and animals.

    If the proposal really involves just one additional Sunday I have no objection.

    Not ready to approve every Sunday on public land.

  24. This was all the horse people complained. There is a huge Fox Hunt in Western Maryland. I say hunt whatever day you want in season. I do not hunt Sundays but I have no problem with it. We also do not get to hunt the rut with firearms most states allow it. With the doe to buck ratio we need to take as many does as we can it helps with building a stronger herd.

  25. I think rifle should be in the entire month of November.

  26. The hunters (a minority) already get 6 days a week to hunt. The majority (the rest of us) should get and keep one day a week without having to share the woods, both public and private, with armed people shooting through the woods and fields.

  27. Counties surrounding Wicomico have Sunday hunting so see no difference. I do not hunt but I see no problem with letting those that do enjoy their week end hunting if that's what they enjoy.

  28. Should Wicomico County Allow Hunting On Sunday?
    Of course not.


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