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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Rosie O’Donnell Tells Cops To Turn On Trump, Then Mark Wahlberg Sends BETTER Message!

Two different celebrities made bold statements this week regarding their country and law/military enforcement. But the messages could not have been more different. We have Rosie O’Donnell and Mark Wahlberg. One is an avid liberal and anti-Trump fanatic. The other recently starred in a movie about the role of law enforcement in the Boston Marathon bomb. And they take different sides of the spectrum here.

Rosie took t Twitter ranting about the inauguration with things like this…

Posting in all caps — because we know how much internet users like to be “yelled at” in all caps — O’Donnell tweeted, “I FULLY SUPPORT IMPOSING MARTIAL LAW – DELAYING THE INAUGURATION – UNTIL TRUMP IS ‘CLEARED’ OF ALL CHARGES.”

In case you are wondering what martial law is, it is “the imposition of the highest-ranking military officer as the military governor or as the head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.”

In other words she is encouraging the military to OVERTHROW the government….. brilliant.

Also, she didn’t seem so worried about Hillary CLinton being “cleared of all charges….” just saying.


Come on, hun.



  1. Donald Trump hasn't lied about anything and that is what burns democrats up. There isn't a democrat alive who isn't a pathological liar and they constantly get caught. This makes them angry so they once again do the only thing they do good-lie and try and pin lying on Trump. Democrats are foul nasty useless eaters who have never and will never serve any useful purpose.

  2. Rosie go back to your fattening fast food and leave political affairs to the grown ups.

  3. We should boycott her movies..... wait there are none, tv show ?......... nope, maybe book? .............. nah I know radio programs! ............ not even, so we care what the cow , hypocrite says why ?!

  4. Rosie, Al Franken, Woopie, Joy Behar, Meryl, and Streisand, to name a few, are so far left they can't see straight. Their "humor"/diatribes are quite frankly becoming tiresome. They are old news and don't deserve the time of day. Rosie is a has been who just can't see the writing on the wall. All just need to go somewhere...please!

  5. 610
    They are paid to take the positions which are scripted for them.
    They are all actors, don't forget.
    Hollywood is mind control

  6. Rosie and Helen Degenerated are alot alike !!


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