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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Ron Paul: Good News In Syria


As the U.S. mainstream media obsessed last week about Russia’s supposed “hacking” of the U.S. elections and President Barack Obama’s final round of Russia sanctions in response, something very important was taking place under the media radar. As a result of a meeting between foreign ministers of Russia, Iran, and Turkey last month, a ceasefire in Syria has been worked out and is being implemented. So far it appears to be holding, and after nearly six years of horrible warfare the people of Syria are finally facing the possibility of rebuilding their lives.

What is so important about this particular ceasefire? It was planned, agreed to, and implemented without the participation of the United States Government.

In fact it was frustration with Washington’s refusal to separate its “moderates” from terrorist groups and its continued insistence on regime change for the Syrian government that led the three countries to pursue a solution on their own for Syria. They also included the Syrian government and much of the opposition in the agreement, which the U.S. government has been unwilling to do.


1 comment:

  1. The United Nations didn't do squat about Syria so maybe we need to close it down.


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