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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Rising Corruption in Maryland Politics

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– Corruption investigations have jolted Maryland with several rising political stars embroiled in scandals.

One is an ongoing and massive federal bribery investigation and has already lead to a guilty plea from former delegate Will Campos, a founder of Maryland’s Hispanic Caucus.

U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein has handled the case, which involves at least 30 months of wiretaps and lawmakers taking bribes for–among other things–liquor licenses– in Prince George’s County.

Rosenstein spoke one-on-one with WJZ about rooting out corruption.

“Corruption is a top priority for us, obstruction is a even more significant priority, that is people are actively attempting to interfere with federal prosecutors– investigators,” said Rosenstein.



  1. You have to pay to play in Maryland ask any developer.

  2. Politicians supporting Renewable Energy need to be investigated. All Marylanders better get ready for a BIG JOLT in their electricity charges while these politicians pocket money from the "green" lobby.
    Lots of ethics violations here.

  3. Sickening it goes on in Wicomico trust me. It is just sickening. Once you are sucked in they bleed you.

  4. Bob..tired of the political BS.. AswellJanuary 12, 2017 at 3:40 PM

    Sadly you're right. The recent increase by DPL was a done deal before the meetings in Salisbury. Mathias,Hogan,and the Eastern Shore delegation ALL take campaign money from numerous electric companies and are in their pockets. I called several of them and contacted the Governors' office and was told the decision wasn't going to be made until February. I called Joe and had a conversation with him about it and lo and behold the vote was taken two weeks to the day from that call......in favor of the power company. This was the work of the state public utility commission who I was informed by the above had members who were friends of Hogan. God help us if they're his enemies. Please remember this day when you go to the polls in two years and take your electric bill with you so you DON'T forget them.
    Bob..tired of the political BS..Aswell

  5. MD politics have been corrupt for over 40 yrs. Did not realize there was room for it to get any more corrupt. Thank You DemocRATs.

  6. Where are Marvin Mandel and Spiro Agnew when you need them?


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