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Friday, January 13, 2017

Right-to-work movement gaining ground in Ohio

An Ohio township north of Cincinnati soon may become the first place in the state to enact a right-to-work ordinance.

West Chester officials announced this week that they are planning a resolution that would forbid workers from being forced to join or otherwise financially support a union as a condition of employment. If enacted, it would be the only place in Ohio with such a rule.

"There is a ton of evidence that says that companies would rather relocate and build their business in right-to-work states. I think we should move ahead on this as quickly as possible and give potential manufacturers that are looking at Ohio or looking at the region, another reason to come to West Chester," Mark Welch, president of the West Chester Board of Trustees, told the Hamilton Journal News.

Don Boyd, director of labor and legal affairs for the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, told the Washington Examiner that West Chester's move was the "logical consequence" of the expansion of right-to-work laws in recent years to nearby states such as Michigan and Indiana. Ohio is now at a competitive disadvantage.

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  1. Screw the unions. Money hungry liberal cesspools.

  2. When Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers that was the beginning of the end for unions.


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