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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Rep: Sessions Attacks Are Part Of Democrats' 'War On Whites'

Republican Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks claimed during a Tuesday radio interview that Democrats who strongly criticize attorney general nominee and Republican Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions are motivated to do so by their party’s “war on whites” agenda.

As first reported by CNN Wednesday, Brooks told a local Alabama radio host that Democrats are trying to paint Sessions as a racist because it aligns with their political goals.

“Well, if you get right down to it, it’s all about political power, and the Democrats are not shy about lying in order to achieve their political goals. And if they have to besmirch the reputation of a good man, Jeff Sessions, in order to achieve their political goals, they as a group are not hesitant to do so,” he stated on the show.

Brooks went on to defend Sen. Sessions’ voting rights record and argued Democrats are misrepresenting the nominee’s stances as a political “tool” to scare their voters.



  1. Democrats don't like Sessions because he prosecuted Klan members.

  2. Whites Will have the War >>> on Demon-crats !!!

  3. As Republicans we need to ratchett up pressure on the Democrats and don't let up because that is what they are doing to us. It's war and we are winning and it is driving them crazy. LOL

  4. Rep: Sessions Attacks Are Part Of Democrats' 'War On Whites'

    That is correct and that Ding Bat brain dead John Lewis was one of the ring leaders from the House. He called him a racist and also said PEOTUS Trump was an illegitimate President that he won't support. That is the same narrative of all the racist, Butt Hurt Democrats. It's time for us as Whites to fight back and win this war.


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