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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Protesters planning to blockade inauguration checkpoints, 'party' outside Pence home

An anti-Donald Trump group is planning massive disruptions for next week's inauguration covering everything from "blockades" at security checkpoints to a "dance party" outside VP-elect Mike Pence's house, according to group leaders as well as newly obtained audio of their apparent plans.

The organization #DisruptJ20 already announced at a press conference Thursday its various plans to wreak havoc at Trump's Jan. 20 inauguration and in the days leading up to it.

A conservative group also shared with FoxNews.com what it said was audio from a Jan. 8 #DisruptJ20 meeting at a Washington church, giving even greater insight into the group's planned D.C. "shutdown."

The audio, recorded by Trevor Loudon with Capital Research Center, purports to show a female member detailing plans to "do everything we can to try and stop people from being able to access the inauguration."

This begins with what was described as a "pure dance party at Mike Pence’s house" on Jan. 18.

"It’s his last few days living in Chevy Chase before he moves into the vice presidential residence, and we’re going to send him off with a bang," the woman says in the audio.

Then she says the group is turning its attention toward the pro-Trump "DeploraBall" the following day, which she describes as the "alt-right neo-Nazi ... party to celebrate Trump."

"We're gonna crash it," she says.



  1. The days of this bs are over. Law and order are coming back. I hope the criminals enjoyed it while it lasted

  2. I wonder how the 'Bikers for Trump' will regard this...

  3. Don't worry the "Bikers for Trump" group 200,000 strong will be there along with the undercover alt-right members to ensure the programs go off without a hitch!!! Party like it's 2017....oh hell it is!!!!

  4. I pity the fool who impedes my celebration on the lawn. I won't have any tolerance for it. I hope they stay in their 'safe zones', playing with puppies and play dough.

  5. Bikers are headed there to confront these cowards.

  6. Just > Lock them up > problem Solved !!!

  7. We got Biker Security Backed up by Trucker security ....
    all be fine ........!!!

  8. It is really a shame that the dumotards that preached tolerance for the past eight years are now the most intolerant people on the planet.
    This just shows how unstable they really are.


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