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Monday, January 16, 2017

Professors Organize National ‘Teach-In’ to Challenge ‘Trump-ism’

Some 25 colleges and universities – many of them public – have answered a call by professors at UCLA to use their regular class time to “teach, organize, and resist” what they view as the discriminatory political agenda of President-elect Donald Trump.

Slated for Wednesday, January 18, the teach-in, dubbed #J18, is taking place between the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday and Trump’s inauguration. The event’s planners say:

Let it be known that on #J18 and beyond, universities, colleges, and high schools refused to bear silent witness to the politics of hate and fear; that in these times, these places of teaching and learning not only served as a sanctuary for its students and workers but also stood up to proclaim the power of knowledge on the front lines of social justice.

On January 18, the professors are calling upon their colleagues to “Teach, Organize, Resist,” and “affirm the role of critical thinking and academic knowledge in challenging Trump-ism.”

They continue:


  1. and all of them shall suffer a decline in attendance. Parents won't pay for socialistic education. Would love to see them collapse

  2. If the students were "qualified " for college level education, they would not allow this to happen..

  3. I'm telling you --- we NEED a revolution.
    Who are these people that they think THEY have cornered the market on wisdom and humanity?
    Who do they think they are to lecture MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of patriotic, taxpaying, hardworking, moral, and honest people that their beliefs are worthy of an unfettered and open attack upon them?
    If I still had kids in school, I'd be REALLY pissed that some teacher is going to indoctrinate and present as TRUTH their own political beliefs to my child. Further, they have the nerve to call it "critical thinking"!
    No wonder most kids coming out of high schools and colleges are dumber than an empty bag of chips. They can't read, write, spell, or construct a compound sentence. They don't know anything about our own history, except the contemporary liberal narrative that our country is just a racist bully the world hates. They don't know what the scientific method is, they don't know any science at all, and most can't even spell "science".
    But they DO have lots of time for propaganda.
    Keep cheering!


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