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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Priebus: Former CIA Director Brennan Has a Lot to Answer for

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” while discussing former CIA Director John Brennan criticizing President Donald Trump’s visit to the CIA yesterday, Trump administration chief of staff Reince Priebus said Brennan had “a lot of things that he should answer for in regards to these leaked documents,” referring to the unverified dossier about Trump and Russia..



  1. Remember when the intelligence community was neither seen nor heard?

  2. He has more to answer for than Comey....in my opinion!!! Bring on the posts starting at midnight...i'm an insomniac....up most of the night!!!!

  3. Drain the swamp!!!

  4. It's good he went to the CIA because he is going to need honest information. Also he better have his own spies in there so he knows who is trying to screw him and there will be some.


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