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Thursday, January 05, 2017

Pope calls for 'zero tolerance' of child sex abuse

Pope Francis told bishops in a letter released Monday that they must adopt a "zero tolerance" policy toward sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

Francis lamented the past abuses of children by priests, calling it "a sin that shames us" and asking church leaders to recommit themselves to protecting children in every way possible.

The Catholic Church "recognizes the sins of some of her members: the sufferings, the experiences and the pain of minors who were abused sexually by priests," Francis wrote.

"I would like us to renew our complete commitment to ensuring that these atrocities will no longer take place in our midst," he wrote. "Let us find the courage needed to take all necessary measures and to protect in every way the lives of our children, so that such crimes may never be repeated."



  1. He needs to reach out to the California democRATS Who passed a law that child prostitution is allowed.

  2. as a catholic I am saddened by this liberation theology marxist church doctrine undermining pos POOPe!
    Funny how he says one thing and does another. google provolo institute!
    Cant have it both ways franny! just die already! so the idiot liberal cardinals you have appointed can usher in an even worse POS then you and make the church even more irrelevant!

    And the Vatican knew about him since at least 2009, when the Italy victims went public with tales of shocking abuse against the most vulnerable of children and named names. In 2014, the Italian victims wrote directly to Pope Francis again naming the Rev. Nicola Corradi as a pedophile and flagged that he was living in Francis' native Argentina. Yet apparently, nothing was done.


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