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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Planned Parenthood Admits: 'We Don't Offer Prenatal Care'

A damning new exposé released by Live Action exposes Planned Parenthood for exactly what it is – an abortion mill that lies to the public for taxpayer dollars.

In its shocking new video, Live Action notes that Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, along with other Planned Parenthood advocates and supporters, famously tout the organization’s role in providing health care – specifically including “prenatal care” – to millions of women, particularly those with low incomes. Defunding the group, they claim, would deprive countless women of these necessary services, including their ability to get pregnancy care.

So, Live Action decided to test this theory, calling Planned Parenthood clinics across the nation and posing as a patient seeking prenatal care. And they didn’t have much luck.

One Planned Parenthood worker at a clinic in Tempe, Arizona responded, “Planned Parenthood offers abortions, so they don’t offer prenatal care.”

“No, see, we don’t see pregnant women as a way of giving prenatal care, we see pregnant women, um, you know, if they are considering other options,” another employee at a Santa Fe clinic responded.

More here


  1. Folks need to pull the mask off of planned parenthood. Planned parenthood is nothing more than a baby murder scheme designed by Margaret Sanger to weed the country of minorities and "undesirables"

    People need to quit lying about what planned parenthood is.

  2. When I was poor and had no health care back in the 80's 90's I went there for lady care. Got an exam and a pap. They REFUSED to give me the pill, because I occasionally smoked. They would rather have had me preggers and in need of their services I guess. Ended up having to pay my family doctor for an RX for that.

    True story.

  3. Why seek out prenatal care at PP? If you are pregnant and uninsured,you can apply for Medicaid!

  4. Lying liberals. They're like ants at a domino sugar factory.

  5. Not that this is really any surprise but THIS is what reporters are supposed to do. Find a story, then get the PROOF to back up your conclusion. Mainstream media are you listening?

  6. Planned Parenthood's mission is "no unwanted babies." Of course they don't offer any prenatal care. Prenatal care is for wanted babies.

  7. Planned Parenthood left the medical field and jumped into religion, specifically worship of Molech. Why does their belief system claim a baby isn't a baby until first breath? Why does it preach the morality of promiscuity, homosexuality, prostitution, and transgendering?

    You can't say something is good without saying something is bad. It's time for planned parenthood to show us the god they worship in secret.


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