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Friday, January 06, 2017

Philly Thieves

Check out this receipt and you realize why the country just elected Donald Trump. Liberal Democrat scumbag mayor Jim Kenney and his entirely Democrat city council thought it was a brilliant idea to ram a beverage tax down the throats of Philadelphians last year. They were doing it for the chilruns. It’s always for the chilrun. The ignorant masses bought the load of bullshit because they don’t understand maff. They understand it now. The tax went into effect on January 1 and the sticker shock is infuriating the ignorant masses.

This receipt for a 10 pack of flavored water shows a 51% beverage tax. It gets even better. PA has a sales tax of 6%. Philly already charges another 2% (for the chilruns) to make the sales tax 8%. These bastards now charge the 8% on the original price plus the beverage tax. Last week this purchase came to $6.47. Today it is $9.75.



  1. Open the tap and water comes out. Catch it and you can drink it. Really, no kidding!

  2. waaa! you live in a state that repeatedly votes democrat. glad to see that's working out for ya's! no jobs, no nothing, left there in the 70's and never looked back. to many uneducated people!

  3. I axed da mayor if it was for da chilrun he say wait I gots ta go to da baff room whan I gets back we can talk about it or maybe we talk next munt. dat ok?

  4. 10:26 PM - Open the tap and fluoride poisoned lead contaminated water comes out.
    Really, no kidding!

  5. Why does it matter? In Philadelphia, majority of the population buys their food on the SNAP program, or with EBT cards or whatever the heck they want to call it (I know, let's just call it Obamafunds!). Just like on the Eastern Shore....


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