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Monday, January 23, 2017

Pelosi says religious Republicans ‘dishonor’ God

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Friday that it is a misconception that Democrats are not “people of faith,” and that Republicans “dishonor the God who made them.”

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinsk sat down with Mrs. Pelosi for an Inauguration Day interview that addressed the Democratic Party’s recent electoral troubles. Mr. Scarborough asked the Californian how Democrats could “reconnect with middle America,” which prompted her break with “the spirit of the day of unity.”

“Thank you for asking that question,” Mrs. Pelosi said. “[There is a] cultural issue, especially when it comes to rural America — the isolation that some people feel there — plus they don’t think the Democrats are people of faith when the fact is we are.



  1. So according to Pelosi government is just a servant of God. What happened to separation of church and state?

  2. they have a strange idea of what faith is all about

  3. Oh how I wish she would just go away.

    She is one of the prime poster-children for term-limits!

  4. Well, she is a moonbat; what else would you expect?

  5. And to think that they reelected her to stay
    All I can say is

  6. How the hell did she even get into, let along continue to prosper in politics. Not to mention why folks continue to vote for her.


    Here here 11;58am - Moonbat, ABSOLUTELY!!!

  7. Coming from the biggest liberal pro abortion idiot thats funny.

  8. Pelosi is just the former traitor in chief's suck up.
    Who cares what the washed out old bag thinks.

  9. So your party wants a Muslim Sharia law worshiper Keith Ellison the be DNC chairperson this shows who doesn't respect women's rights.

  10. Her net worth is 200 million? Pure corruption

  11. Wasn't it Pelosi that was kicked out of her Catholic church because she was pro abortion. And now she says Democrats are people of faith. Yet they all want to kill innocent babies before they are born. What a hypocrite.


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