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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Pelosi Accuses Republicans of 'Exploiting' Religion, the American Flag

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) accused Republicans of "exploiting" religion on MSNBC's Morning Joe on the day of Donald Trump's inauguration.

Pelosi sat down with hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough to discuss President Trump's inauguration, and the conversation turned to Democrats feeling culturally disconnected with the American people.

"There is a feeling that there's a disconnect between today's Democratic party and white working class voters," Scarborough said, referring to religion as the disconnect.

"How do they reconnect with a Middle America who feels like sometimes they're looked down upon because of their faith or their values?" Scarborough asked.

Pelosi explained that Democrats are in fact people of faith and claimed Republicans "prey" on the American people.

"I say they pray on church on Sunday and prey on people the rest of the week," Pelosi said.



  1. Were does she come up with this crap. talk about exploiting the American people religion and flag and guns which we decided to cling too. it's democrats who exploited the Constitution. Hopefuly they will never be trusted again

  2. The more they talk the more votes Trump gets. For some reason dnc and sjw can't shut up. All I can do is laugh.#winning

  3. Her and old Schumer have gone over the edge....They need some mental help!

  4. She is the POT calling the Kettle Black !!!

  5. She hears voices on the radio telling her to say these things.

  6. The lunatic is on the grass,
    The lunatic is on the grass,
    Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs...
    Gotta keep the loonies on the path.
    .....There's someone in my head but it's not me.
    I think Pink Floyd had her in mind when they wrote that.
    And to think she has Bawlmer roots, hon.

  7. Here we go again with her
    Let her go for she will just finish off the DNC
    After a while you just have to say what?

  8. Pelisi got called out last night on cnn by a mom.thats son was burned alive by a illegal gang member you should have seen her face joe google it.

  9. Peloser should have followed Reid out the door!

  10. Nancy, grandma - go home to Cali, sing "This Land is your Land" some more and then SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Voters in her area must be dead or illegal, cuz they sure AREN'T American!


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