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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Paul Craig Roberts: "Bannon Is 100% Right - The Media Is Now The Opposition"

Bannon is correct that the US media - indeed, the entire Western print and TV media - is nothing but a propaganda machine for the ruling elite. The presstitutes are devoid of integrity, moral conscience, and respect for truth.

.@jaketapper: Reminder that the president's top aide just told NYT that the press should keep its mouth shut. No.http://cnnmon.ie/2k6OnJb  pic.twitter.com/EYw5Pc2faM
@TheLeadCNN @jaketapper

You're not the press, you're fake news!!!pic.twitter.com/ei0rEfRpyF
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Who else but the despicable Western media justified the enormous war crimes committed against millions of peoples by the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes in nine countries—Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Palestine, and the Russian areas of Ukraine?
Who else but the despicable Western media justified the domestic police states that have been erected in the Western world in the name of the “war on terror”?



  1. Count the number of times that the press has taken us to war for no other reason than to sell papers and enrich its stockholders.

  2. The government needs to take action against the media.

  3. He wants to control the media, sounds like what their idol Vladimir Putin does.


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