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Friday, January 13, 2017

One-on-one with Governor Hogan, as he enters his third legislative session

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WBFF) -- Governor Larry Hogan has only been in office two years but he's entering his third legislative session.

That time brings with it more experience and the reality of dealing with more challenges.

FOX45 talked with the governor on Wednesday about his priorities, the legislature's priorities and bridging any divides that exist.

The governor says he's focused on education, the environment, transportation and jobs.



  1. Focused on...spending, the spending, more spending and no jobs. Soon it'll be no jobs = no tax revenue = tax increase..

  2. There are plenty of jobs, just not on this side of the bay and not for under educated/non professional people. There are never going to be good paying jobs for working class people in this area again. It is over, gone, bye - bye. Makes no dif who the governor is or which party they are from.

  3. 3:30, Jobs here have NOTHING to do with the Governor.

    In fact, I just delivered one of the biggest opportunities to Governor Hogan 3 days ago the Eastern Shore had ever seen. WHY, because NO ONE here wanted to move forward with the opportunity for THOUSANDS of jobs and a 3,000,000 sq. ft. facility.

    When I stated long ago that the powers to be have NO INTEREST in development and good paying jobs, I KNOW THIS FIRST HAND.

    The commitment from this manufacturer would've easily lasted for 30 to 50 years, if not longer.

    Now the western shore will enjoy yet another massive business. It was your election to lose, never forget that.

  4. That's what I said. Makes no dif who the governor is or which party they are from. Jobs are not coming to the eastern shore.

    Why didn't you move forward with it?

  5. 4:42, What makes you think I have the power to make it happen?

    I was tipped off by a former corporate executive of the massive expansion of this company. This person follows Salisbury News and knew this would be important to us here and it made perfect sense.

    I simply tried to keep it LOCAL and NOT go to the Governor, as I knew they'd try to encourage the company towards the western shore. I pushed it as hard as I could but they simply dropped the ball and did NOTHING.

    After holding a conversation the other night with Hogan's Office I finally exposed this situation with them and they are going to move forward with approaching this manufacturer to see if they still might have interest in Maryland.

    It's embarrassing that your local representatives are so INEXPERIENCED that they were simply scared to take on such a large project. As I said earlier, it was your election to lose.

  6. Hogan is running out of pro-gun / CC permits. Guess he forgot about these issues since nothing has changed with MD law concerning these citizen concerns. Pro-gun citizens has been abandon again.


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