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Friday, January 27, 2017

Obama’s Sick Secret Guest In WH Just Exposed On Visitor Log Trump’s Team Uncovered

As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama promised that his administration would be the most transparent in history – and such a statement has become something of a punchline in hindsight. Even the far-left Washington Post had to admit that his administration has objectively been the most secretive in the history of the presidency.

Now after he’s out of office, more details about his presidency are being made public. We learned that right before leaving office, his final action was to discretely release $221 million to the Palestinian Authority that Republican members of Congress had been blocking.

The Palestinians weren’t the only Muslim government Obama was aiding behind the scenes. As we all remember, Obama signed the Iran Nuclear Deal into law, all while Iran’s Supreme Ayatollah was calling for death to America. Now, something suspicious was noticed in the White House visitation logs relating to that deal…



  1. That turd should be put in jail for the rest of his life for treason!
    The damage he did to our people, reputation, economy, and civility will take us decades to repair.

    He belongs in a cell next to the HildaBeast, Peloser, Reid, Holder, and Lynch!

  2. Trump stopped this yesterday.

  3. The repercussions of Obama's very questionable support of our enemies are yet to be seen in their fullest, but will persist for decades.

  4. Not surprising, but no worse than Valerie Jarrett living there the whole time.

  5. America was sold a bill of goods with Obama. He knew before he took office what he was going to do with the nation, and he did it, regardless of rule of law. And here we are, cleaning up his mess and wondering how we will ever repay the phenomenal debt that will be his one lasting legacy.

  6. Obama was an illegitimate President born in Africa. Got to go to College as a foreign student. Yet he could never support his going to college as no one there remembered him. Also no one ever saw evidence of any transcripts from any college. His mentors were Islamic and communist. He always hated America and wanted to change it to the way he thought it should be. When he ran against Hillary in 2008 nobody had ever heard of him. yet he won the election because of people like George Soros that put their money behind him. I believe that now he is gone we will find out a lot more treasonous things he did in secret while in office. By the way he was not only our first black president he was our first homosexual President. Funny no one can find birth certificates for his girls also. I believe this is because Barry and Micheal can't produce children. Also the couple believed to be the real parents went with the Obama's on trips to Hawaii and other places. If you don't believe this just research it a little and you will find out a lot.


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