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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Obama’s dog bites White House guest

Gal needed stitches for wound on face

(TMZ) President Obama had to deal with a small domestic crisis at the White House — a family friend was bitten by Sunny, the First Family’s 4-year-old dog.

We’re told the incident occurred Monday when the 18-year-old was visiting the White House. Sources connected to the girl tell us she went to pet and kiss Sunny, and the dog bit her on the face.

Sunny — a female Portuguese Water Dog — left a nasty gash under the girl’s eye. We’re told the Obamas’ family physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, checked her out and decided she needed stitches.


  1. President Obama had to deal with a small domestic crisis at the White House — a family friend was bitten by Sunny, the First Family’s 4-year-old dog.

    Bet if it were before Judge Judy, it would not be " a small domestic crisis"

    Hope the victim will be okay.

  2. If the bitten girl sues for monetary damages and wins, would Obama personally pay or would the money come from tax payer money?

  3. I wonder if she was Republican

  4. Can't touch Teflon Obamas ....no need to Sue !!

  5. Obama doesn't have a dog. That was Michelle.


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