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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense

Barack Obama was the first president of the United States to spend more on “means-tested entitlements”—AKA welfare—than on national defense, according to data published by his own Office of Management and Budget.

Historical tables that the OMB posted on the Obama White House website, include annual totals for both “national defense” spending and “means-tested entitlement” spending going back to fiscal 1962--which is three years before President Lyndon Johnson signed legislation creating the Medicaid program, a means-tested entitlement that together with the Children's Health Insurance Program enrolled 74,407,191 beneficiaries as of November 2016.

In every year from fiscal 1962 through fiscal 2014, total national defense spending exceeded means-tested entitlement spending.



  1. "means-tested entitlements" is a joke! Especially when the recipients pull up in blingmobiles sporting brand new iPhones!

  2. I expect that to change within the next few months!

  3. As one can expect during a historic recession.

  4. @10:19 Oh BS good excuse though!

  5. All he cares about IS the Blacks , even if it meant
    Ruining America to give them All they want !!! Fact

    Whites Forced to Pay for Obama's so called Care ...Period

    That is getting ready to END..... get used to it

  6. 244 guess you missed rhat stock market crash, world wide demand for oil tank, and the economy bleeding jobs starting in 08'. Come out your mommy's basement, head to the library, and hit the books before you comment.

  7. Obama Careless Plan > they are Lucky that the Whites
    don't Riot for a change , after Ruining us .......

    Guess we are too civilized , unlike the blacks
    If Trump made them Pay for a White plan they would Riot !!

  8. All caused by Obama.

  9. @8:00 Lmao you have no idea about me. Been working since I was 14 and am now 52. Been on my own since 18. What I do know is no matter how bad the economy was Obummer would have still spent more on welfare
    than defense. I know this...for the last 8 years Obummer has shown how he hates our military and how much he loves "his" people. You can try to blame it on the economy all you want but most of us have enough common sense to know the "real reason" behind it.


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