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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Obama Commutes Bulk of Chelsea Manning’s Sentence

WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday largely commuted the remaining prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, the army intelligence analyst convicted of an enormous 2010 leak that revealed American military and diplomatic activities across the world, disrupted the administration, and made WikiLeaks, the recipient of those disclosures, famous.

The decision by Mr. Obama rescued Ms. Manning, who twice tried to commit suicide last year, from an uncertain future as a transgender woman incarcerated at the male military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. She has been jailed for nearly seven years, and her 35-year sentence was by far the longest punishment ever imposed in the United States for a leak conviction.

Now, under the terms of Mr. Obama’s commutation announced by the White House on Tuesday, Ms. Manning is set to be freed on May 17 of this year, rather than in 2045.



  1. Bravo, it's the right thing to do.

    1. Obama anti americal pos liberal.

  2. Obama us just as treasonous as manning.

  3. Maybe this is a variation of the 'Hillary Defense'.

  4. Many major drug dealers are next.

  5. I wamt Trimp to Arrest Obama with sharpton.

  6. So i guess michelle pestered him to release HIM!

  7. This turd has no respect for the rule of law.

    The POS manning - like the HildaBeast, committed treason against the citizens and the country and should be hanged for their crimes.

  8. The article keeps referring to HIM as her. Please its a HIM!!! And Snowden is a hero. And should also be pardoned

  9. Ones committing treason against the US are now heroes. Manning should have been put to death. Now he has to pardon / commute all others that so - called committed such crimes and were punished. Hillary, Bill and Chelsea have not been convicted as of now so they cannot be pardon / commuted by Obama, the Muslim.

  10. Bad move, but then Obama has done more to damage US intelligence than even Manning.

  11. So if Manning is commuted, then Assange should be commuted also. Which would mean what WikiLeaks revealed (the truth of the wrongdoings and cover-ups the Dems were doing behind closed doors) is excusable. So what are the libs upset about if they still support Obama? They got caught and are embarrassed! That's why they are upset!

  12. Obama is attracted to him.

  13. jim ireton will be happy.

  14. HEY.... HERES A THOUGHT.......This person will now be ineligible to have a sex change from the government. If this person is discharged dishonorably the government is not responsible to foot the bill for sex change. And no further expensive hormone therapy unless this person pays for it. So..who is paying the price here?

  15. Just love all the dumbass comments on here condemning Manning that cheer wikileakks. Delusional.

  16. TOLD YOU SO .....the he would Pardon all he can Before
    Leaving office....May as well add Hillary too !!!

  17. MISTER Manning. Get it right!

  18. Do all the Damage you can, Obama while you can, your Last
    3 days left ......Hurry up....time is running Out !!!!

    Then we will Finally be Rid of You !!!!

    1. He needs to be arrested for treason for endangering our soldiers and citizens.

  19. sharpton will be next.

    1. IRS is waiting to pu his fat A..

  20. Add the AG and FBI man too ... they may need it ....

    Plus Clinton's Lawyers who messed with Classified info....

  21. What, he didn't give him a government job, too?

  22. At least I don't have to pay for his hormone therapy or room and board now.

  23. A traitor... High Treason. Six years incarcerated.
    Imagine if you had a loved one in Intelligence or Diplomatic Service whose life was compromised by this coward.
    How did this country ever get so screwed up?

  24. Message for obama and his ilk. TICK TOCK.

  25. Law changes needed !!! So this cannot Happen !!!

    Obama is a NUT who has lost his mind !!!

  26. No Pardons or commuted sentences should be allowed by
    Anyone in power when there is Found Guilty sentence,
    and No question of Guilt !!!

    Death sentence should be carried out Or there is NO Justice !!!!!!

    By allowing this , this lets Governors and Presidents Go
    against what a JUDGE has decided , against Justice Dept !!

    Presidents and Governors ARE NOT DICTATORS , too much power

  27. Why go to court ??? Just have the case heard by the
    Governor or the President then ........
    Why have a Jury ???

    AGREE !!

  28. 5:37, you're a moron


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