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Friday, January 27, 2017

New York Times Quietly Runs Stunning Correction On Editorial Attacking Electoral College

The New York Times quietly issued a major correction to an editorial attacking the electoral college in December, admitting it has in fact defended the electoral college at a time when it was politically expedient for Democrats.

The paper ran the editorial calling for an end to the electoral college in December, when Democrats were harping on the fact that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton beat President Donald Trump in the popular vote, and calling for reforms to make the system more “fair.” Obviously seeking to avoid the editorial position as politically motivated, the editorial emphasized what turned out to be a false claim that the paper has opposed the electoral college system for 80 years.

The piece links back to two other editorials criticizing the electoral college as evidence the board has opposed the system ever since Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt beat Republican Alf Landon in the 1936 presidential election. That position has remained constant regardless of the political outcome, the board wrote, noting an editorial on the system in 2012 that states it “needs to be abolished.”



  1. Too little Too late - your days are numbered.

  2. They're backtracking to get out of the political bad-side of journalism!

  3. Notice their correction was "quietly issued." This is why the mainstream media is failing. People are sick of their twisted stories to benefit liberal views.


  4. It's just The Daily Times on a larger stage...for the moment!

    Takes the truly gifted to mangle a monopoly!


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