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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Navy Sailor Who Refused to Stand for Nat’l Anthem Finally Gets the Perfect Punishment

A former Navy Intelligence Specialist is not very smart.

After refusing to stand for the National Anthem during morning colors, Janaye Ervin was assigned to menial labor and stripped of her security clearance.

Actions – like elections – have consequences.

Taking a page from football player Colin Kaepernick’s playbook, a former Navy intelligence specialist recently refused to stand for the national anthem during morning colors.

Note that we said “former.” Petty Officer 2nd Class Janaye Ervin was promptly stripped of her security clearance, assigned to menial labor for a few days, then shown the exit hatch.



  1. Yea , YOU follow Orders in the military
    You ain't on a football team , Punk !!

    The Gov Owns your ass , Period !!

  2. The NFL shouldn't let any player play that does not respect the National Anthem - and that mean Colin Kaepernick. It is a shame shame shame

  3. Dishonarable duscharge.

  4. Can't fix stupid!
    She might have gotten away with it in the NFL - like the dirtbag Kaepernick...but she 'was' in the Navy. Now, she has ruined her employability at a decent job permanently!

    I'll look for her resume - just to make sure it goes in the round file!

  5. The correct action was done!

  6. Should also have been stripped of all benefits.

    1. Had no benefits once discharged unless retired.

  7. She took an oath under the flag. So she lied under oath too. Good move Navy

  8. I mean a football player kneels for the anthem, that is one thing. He is pretty clueless on the realities of life. But someone who is serving in the Armed Forces doesn't believe in the way America operates? Why are you defending it then? Seems pretty hypocritical and moronic that you would be willing to possibly risk your life for something you don't agree with.

  9. I agree with this action.
    Once a person joins the military and accepts the paycheck, he / she must do whatever they are told to do. So long as it doesn't violate the US Constitution.

  10. This isn't punishment, it's appropriate action. She has proven herself a weak link in the security system, one that needs replacement.

  11. She was supposed to be a intelligence officer..really..maybe the navy needs to re-evaluate what intelligence is..

  12. She isn't an officer, she's enlisted. She isn't thrown out of the service, but her responsibilities are changed to those which don't have anything to do with Navy intelligence operations.

    This was a waste of a career on her part. She's not Rosa Parks and this isn't the bus.


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