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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Naval Academy midshipmen to march in Trump inauguration parade

The Naval Academy's 13th Company will march in President-elect Donald Trump's inaugural parade, the academy announced Friday.

The 13th company, consisting of 91 midshipmen, were chosen to participate because of the group's status as the Brigade's Color Company for the fall semester, the academy said in a release. The presidential inauguration is Jan. 20 and the parade will be broadcast nationwide.

The Color Company status is a Naval Academy tradition, in which one of the 30 companies is recognized for its academic, athletic and military professional performance, the academy said.



  1. "BZ."

    That's Bravo Zulu for you ground pounders.
    "Well Done" for the civvies.

  2. Great Job Navy. My dad would be proud of you!


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