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Friday, January 13, 2017

National Reciprocity Bill Will Apply to Non-Resident Gun Carry Permits

Would allow residents of states with strict gun laws to circumvent certain carry restrictions

Rep. Richard Hudson (R., N.C.) clarified on Wednesday that his national concealed carry reciprocity bill would apply to permits issued by states to non-residents.

After Hudson introduced the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 last week, questions were raised about whether it would apply to permits issued by some states to non-residents. In an interview with the Free Beacon, Hudson confirmed that permits issued by any state to residents or non-residents would have to be recognized by all other states under his legislation.

“My legislative intent is to ensure a non-resident carry permit is recognized, and I’ve confirmed this with legislative counsel and Judiciary Committee staff,” Hudson said.

Many gun owners in states that use a “may issue” permitting process, such as California or New Jersey, are not able to obtain concealed carry permits from their home state—even if they’ve passed a background check and met the training requirements—since the final decision in those states is left at the discretion of government officials. However, those same gun owners may be able to obtain a non-resident permit from a state with different gun laws. Under Hudson’s proposal, that permit would allow them to carry across the country—including in their home state.

More here


  1. Thank God! Now my Arizona 30 state permit will be legal in Maryland!

  2. This is very good news. I suspect the Maryland liberals will be jumping off of tall buildings.

  3. There is a loophole in the bill that states the person using an out of state permit must adhere to the local laws of the state which they are in. States like CA, NJ, NY, MA and MD have already begun to review what changes can be made to their rules to effectively make it impossible to comply with. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Please save all the liberal name calling BS because I'm not and have a MD CCW. I happen to know some dems in high places that are involved in the discussions on how to obstruct any federal reciprocity legislation.

  4. If this becomes law we will actually see crime rates go down. The liberals will once again be proven wrong and again they will deny the obvious.

  5. Do your part. Call or email your Congressman and tell them you support HR 37


  6. The proposed bill just needs to be amended to withhold Federal dollars for, say, police agencies or highway funds in states that are non-compliant as determined by (fill in blank) department.

  7. 10:21, do not forget that Hogan has veto power and he should certainly veto any legislation that tries to prevent CC in Maryland. Many democrats that I know are not opposed to CC and I think the dems in high places that you refer to will be hearing from a lot of them. It is time for the citizens of Marylander to take a stand on this issue. Why should we be one of the few states without the right to CC?

  8. Every person that want's to carry a gun should be allowed to unless they are a felon.

  9. 9:52 Plenty of people in MD have carry permits. MD does not ban them, just doesn't give them to the average joe just because he/she wants one. I had no problem getting mine.

  10. You are not being truthful 2:17, I don't know of one person that has been able to get a CC and most that I know that have tried are upstanding honest folks with no criminal record. Stop misleading the people that don't know any better.


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