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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Nancy Pelosi Blames Media, Russians for Hillary’s Loss

For weeks, Democrats across the country have been insisting that “Russian hacking” was behind President-elect Donald Trump’s amazing victory over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in November.

At a news conference last week, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi had a little bit of a meltdown and started accusing reporters of being in collusion with the Russians, Real Clear Politics reported.

“I really say to you, my friends in the press, with all due respect for the guardians of the First Amendment that you are, that you were accomplices in this,” she stated.

“It was every single day you reported that there was an email that was embarrassing to the Clinton (campaign) without saying, ‘We know this because of disruption by a foreign power into our electoral system,'” she added.

It’s hysterical that Pelosi would accuse the media of trying to sabotage the Clinton campaign when, in fact, the opposite was true. The media barely reported on the hacked emails; they were too busy trying to destroyTrump’s campaign.

“You knew that. You knew it was the Russians. And so did it affect the Clinton campaign? Of course it did. Would it have come out differently? I don’t know, because there are many factors in an election,” Pelosi continued, waving her arms about wildly as if possessed.



  1. Nancy Pelosi is a fruit loop.

  2. So let's try this example. Say Mrs. Pelosi frequents a business like Wal-Mart. She shops at Wal-Mart routinely, every week or so. Eventually she finds out that the Wal-Mart CEO has sent out an email to his employees making fun of Mrs. Pelosi, stating how incompetent she really is. This e-mail is "hacked" and released by Food Lion. According to her logic, she would blame Food Lion because they released the actual information that Wal-Mart established, then would continue to shop at Wal-Mart because it is a great store to shop at....Hillary and the DNC may have said those things but it's the Russians fault for exposing the truth.

  3. Somebody needs to release the stitches that hold that face on lol

  4. The last statement rings true; she is possessed by that terrible affliction common to the far left residing in California - moon batitis.

  5. Why never any discussion on the contents of the emails,,only the worry of how they got out

  6. The media was her campaign manager so I guess you can blame them.

  7. When I see Pelosi, I really get convinced that liberalism is a mental disorder

  8. Need to Vote her OUT too
    2 term limits needed because of ones like her !!!!

  9. Yo Nancy! How about the fact that the public has had enough liberal BS and the HildaBeast is a crook!

    You should have retired with Harry...would make a great movie - when Harry met Nancy!

  10. Somebody needs to put this women in a straight jacket

  11. It's time to finally Blame Hillary for her Loss and quit
    blaming everything and everyone else !!!!.........

    After all she has done, there is plenty to blame her for !!

  12. I said before the election, men don't like her. Women don't like her. Democraps don't like her. Gop doesn't like her. No one likes this woman, candidate for the highest office in the land. And you'all are wondering why she lost? It's because she's who she is!


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