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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Michelle Obama Tells Muslims, Immigrants 'This Country Belongs to You'

“In her final speech as first lady on Friday, Michelle Obama singled out young immigrants and Muslims, many of whom express apprehension about President-elect Donald Trump.” “Do not ever let anyone make you feel like you don’t matter, or like you don’t have a place in our American story — because you do,” she said. “Know that this country belongs to you, to all of you. From every background and walk of life. If you or your parents are immigrants, know that you are part of a proud American tradition . . . that has made us the greatest country on Earth.” Religious diversity is “not a threat to who we are,” she said, “it makes us who we are.” More


  1. shut up you cant even be who you are. this country belongs to us not them unless they want to live by OUR rulers not yours. (map)

  2. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 10, 2017 at 9:12 PM

    Ok then, start bringing those "migrants" into Obama's new mansion in DC. There plenty rooms and bathrooms for everyone. And set up new tents in their neighborhood.

  3. The dumbocrats will listen to this and still ask how Trump won!

  4. Nobody cares what you say.

  5. Well, no, it doesn't, really. You must first apply for Citizenship, bringing your birth
    certificate and other papers... learn Constitution.../.. pass a test.

    THEN, you get it, not before.

  6. Movin' on back....to the slum side!!! Bed bugs and section 8 apartment on the north side.

    1. You left out the trailor park

    2. I'm sure there are heroin addicts looking like the walking dead in those trailer parks lol ..huh u say.

  7. Sure it does! If you enter legally!

  8. If She lived in a Muslim country they would throw "it" off the roof.


  9. Lying unlicensed Harvard Law grad married to lying unlicensed Harvard Law 'grad'.

  10. #1 she is perfectly correct. America belongs to immigrants of today just as much as it belonged to immigrants of the 1700's and forward. Despite the fear mongering, the vast majority of people come here to make a better life for themselves and their families through hard work and entrepreneurship.

    #2 "In the mind of leftists, immigrants who showed up last week are more American than the descendants of those who came over on the Mayflower."
    Prime example of why you folks need to read/listen and think for yourselves. I would love for the author to point to where in MO's comments this was even implied. Who on the left has made this statement? Talk about the need to flag "fake news". Sheesh

    1. Legal immigrants that are not terrorist or related to terrorist. For some reason the left leaves that part out and wants open boarders. Obama has dropped over 30,000 bombs on other countries... therefore not everyone likes us. Fact check. Trump make America great again.

    2. why do you all bring up 1692 like it was yesterday. Your a crazy person saying crazy things. Trump won by a landslide victory and the recount got him more votes. Wake up in the morning put our flag up say the pledge and got to work. Be a good person and stop demanding people to break the law.

  11. 6:49, There's a big difference between LEGAL & ILLEGAL.

  12. @6:49 need I remind you that this country is based on immigrants that came her LEGALLY not ILLEGALLY! Those that came here years and years ago, came here to work, have a better life, and become a citizen. They did not come here to suck off the hard working taxpayers. They did not come here to commit an excessive amount of crime like they are doing now. Talk about "fake facts" sheesh!

  13. Did anyone waste time - like me- last night watching that narcissistic family giving their farewell adress? He actually thinks he did a great job! Seriously..stop laughing.

  14. Kenya is awaiting.

  15. Which includes "ILLEGALS"...... the furst ladie SUPPORTs CRIMINALS

  16. Fog the whitehouse it needs a super cleaning.

  17. 6:49. 100 years ago immigrants came here for a better life. Most came on ships from Europe and were processed in New York. Their first priority was to find a job in order to better themselves. They were not offered free transportation, housing, food and medical and the burden of those expenses strapped on the backs of working taxpayers. So, your worthless, week minded gibberish does not worth listening to. Oh, and by the way, Trump already has the materials to build the much needed Wall. He got it from 56 million Democrats on Nov. 8th when they all shit a brick after he won.

  18. 1112, talk about gibberish. Please reconcile this;

    If today's immigrants came just for hand outs, why do you see construction contractors, house cleaning agencies, fast food, farmers, food processors, and more falling over themselves to hire these people? Businesses will risk their livelihood to employ these folks. In short, how can today's immigrants only want to suck of the system, yet in the next breadth you will be saying that they are taking your jobs? LOL

  19. 8:27 Please note that only 2% of Obama's refuges have found work. Why should they? Free housing,food, medical, etc. and 1800 a month living expenses. You obviously must be a socialist.

  20. 1158 again you are caught in your own nonsense. If "obama deatroyed the economy", as so many on this board claim, why would you expect refugees to find work so easily? Again, which narrative is it that you want to go woth today?

  21. She is Wrong
    It Belongs to the Real Americans who just Voted Trump in as
    President.....Not to the rest of the world....!!!

    The Democrats wanted to give it away, BUT, Ain't Gonna Happen !!!!!!.....Get used to it !!!........

  22. Just Make you are moved OUT by MON > MLK day !!!

    Or America will throw all your stuff out on the lawn !!!

  23. You telling them Our America belongs to them, is the reason
    they think we all owe them when they get here, instead of
    them owing us............

    They then cock the attitude they own OUR country and can do as they please here (NOT)

    Hell our Govt treats them better than US Americans who have
    been here alot longer,paying taxes and going to war, way before they came......they are lucky we LET them come and stay.......They had better Conform to us, Not the other way around .......or GO Back ........
    Our Country is Not Hers to Give away !!!!


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