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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Meryl Streep let her liberal privilege show at the Golden Globes but she forgot a few things so I'll help.


  1. Dave T: I heard she has baby sat Obama's kids, and is a close family friend to the Obama family. Not surprised she has surfaced with radical left wing views. Unfortunate indeed. "There are none so blind as those who have sight but no vision." -- Helen Keller

  2. Meryl babysitting on the side? Is she that desperate? Maybe things are more difficult in Hollywood than everyone lets on.

  3. Donald needs to create a movie star tax at about 99%.
    Remember O-flushi taxed the rain.

  4. I lover her!! I guess you can call that "an old-fashioned Southern bitch-slap!!" You go girl!

    1. Tell me why you LOVE her? She doesn't know you or care to. You will never meet her and you know nothing about her that isn't gone over by management. She didn't mention you by name during her fake award for being the best faker by other fake people. You LOVE a fake version of a person that isn't real.... remember she supports a administration that drops bombs in brown people in the Middle East. That part is real.

  5. I hope she moves out of the country with the rest of her liberal socialist friends like they promised to do. Howeverer, just another bunch of lying dishonest democrats.

  6. @ "Dave T" 10:37

    That "radical" left wing view that you shouldn't bully or pick on people, specifically people weaker than you?

    That sure sound "radical" and "liberal", huh?

    1. Why did president obama drop 27,000 bombs on the Middle East in 2016?. Are those bombs only killing bad people? 11,000 on syria!! Please tell me why? I voted for Trump because he hasn't killed anyone!

    2. Current administration dropped 2500 bombs a month on people in the Middle East in 2016. Is that radical or being a bully? You can't see how hypocritical you are. Maybe your just TROLLING.

  7. I didn't read any of the comments , so if this is a repeat , sorry.
    Meryl Streep is a good actress . She can cry when she wants to , she can laugh when she wants to , just remember she is an ACTRESS , she gets paid to act .
    Her pay comes from anyone and anything.

  8. She has guilt for being a limousine liberal and wants everyone to think shes for the average person.

  9. Rich spoiled actors and singers Need to Stay Out of
    Politics......go home and count your $$$$$$$$$$
    and quit wining ..........

  10. her stuck up butt needs to stay out of politics and be
    glad she is Rich !!!

  11. Dave,
    Helen Keller was a famous Satanist.

    She invented Sign language and made the El Diablo sign for Satan, thumb out for Love.

  12. Lahren ,lets put You on Outnumbered ....you fit right in !!


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