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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Massive security preparations under way for inauguration, amid protest threats to 'paralyze' DC

The stage is set for President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration – not just the traditional swearing-in platform on Capitol Hill, but a massive security presence amid protest plans to “shut down” the nation’s capital.

Most crowd estimates for the Jan. 20 festivities are far short of the record-setting 1.8 million visitors for President Obama’s historic 2009 inauguration. But the throngs of spectators and protesters alike are enough to create transit, security and hospitality challenges.

“Security is my greatest concern,” Missouri GOP Sen. Roy Blunt, chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, recently said. “No question that on inaugural day, this would be the most appealing target in the world.”

He suggested the city could have as many as 750,000 demonstrators alone.

More than three-dozen law enforcement agencies are working together on security and safety plans in anticipation, including the Capitol Police, FBI, Secret Service and National Guard.

Roughly 7,500 Guardsmen from across the country will come to Washington, along with about 3,000 police officers from various states, with the Secret Service taking the lead on security.



  1. Are they taking the new Harleys or the big military truck? Mikey wants to get on Fox News on the taxpayers' dollars.

    1. as long as he is protecting Trump I'm ok with it.

  2. He is not going to be anywhere near Trump. Mikey will be in front of the first camera he can find. Just like when he went to protect Baltimore. No where near any action, just in front of a news camera and standing on a milk crate while talking to Fox news.


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