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Friday, January 13, 2017

Maryland’s Harris Meets with Trump; Perhaps About NIH Post

WASHINGTON (AP) — Maryland Rep. Andy Harris, who reportedly is in the running to head the National Institutes of Health, met with President-elect Donald Trump in New York on Wednesday.

Harris, the lone Republican in Maryland’s congressional delegation, is also the only member of Congress to have conducted NIH-funded research.

The Johns Hopkins-educated anesthesiologist’s name has been tossed around for weeks as the possible new director of the medical research center in Bethesda, which has about 18,000 employees in the state.



  1. I would hate to lose a great R congressman, but if there's a better man for the job I can't think of one.
    Go, Andy!

  2. 6:56
    Ditto...you beat me to it. Our loss, someone else's gain.

  3. Andy, let someone else take it. We need you more, here. Help shape the new health care plan from within.


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