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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Maryland High School Receives Threat from KKK, Then Finds Out a Black Student Sent It

At Arundel High School near Annapolis, Maryland, a threat was issued this week by the Ku Klux Klan. It was sent from a Twitter account, @KoolkidsKlanKkk, and it said, “We’re planning to attack tomorrow.” When police were called in to investigate, they learned the account was created by a 14-year-old black student at the school.

The girl was arrested and interviewed by police with her parents present and admitted to creating the fake account and sending the threatening message. She was charged with a juvenile citation for disrupting school activities, according to WJZ News, and released to her parents.

Just a week before this incident occurred, a racist petition was circulated at the same high school that used similar language, like “Kool Kids Klan.” Two students were found responsible for the petition, and two students signed it. However, police filed no criminal charges because no laws were broken. In this report, the races and ages of the kids weren’t included.

Then, there was another similar incident at nearby Annapolis High School in the form of another Twitter account: @kkkforreal. That message said, “blowing up Annapolis High school tomorrow.” It added, “black [expletive] better run.” Though officials were cautious, they doubted the credibility because of the fake threat at the other school. Other than concerned parents, little more was reported on this incident.



  1. Charge the little bastard with a Hate Crime and nail him to the wall!

  2. Tell me this is not so. I can't believe it.

  3. White on black racism doesn't exist so they have to create it.

  4. You just know that they're going to be coddled by the school and given a pass.

  5. Liberals love a good false flag operation!

  6. ALL white on black racist threats always come from blacks. Fake news.

  7. Figures .......the Black KKK !!


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