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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Marijuana Users Are Safer Drivers Than Non-Marijuana Users, New Study Shows

A new study released by United States auto insurance quote provider 4AutoInsuranceQuote.com shows that statistically speaking, marijuana users are safer drivers than non-marijuana users.

In a recent study, 4AutoinsuranceQuote.com, a national quote provider for online car insurance quotes, cites a strong correlation between traffic-related accidents and marijuana use. The study, which looks at statistics regarding accidents, traffic violations, and insurance prices, seeks to dispel the thought that “driving while stoned” is dangerous.

In the study, 4AutoInsuranceQuote.com points out that the only significant effect that marijuana has on operating a motor vehicle is slower driving. 4AutoInsuranceQuote.com says, while referencing a study by the US National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), that driving slower “is arguably a positive thing” and that driving under the influence of marijuana “might even make you a safer driver.” A similar study by the NHTSA shows that drivers with THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) in their system have accident responsibility rates below that of drug free drivers.

In fact, a recent study shows that use of medical marijuana has caused traffic related fatalities to drop by up to nine percent in states that have legalized its use. This study, titled “Medical Marijuana Laws, Traffic Fatalities, and Alcohol Consumption”, conducted by Mark Anderson and Daniel Rees in November 2011, shows that increased marijuana use amongst adults has decreased alcohol related traffic deaths in said states. This study provides solid evidence that marijuana is not only a safe substitute for alcohol, but it also makes for more safer drivers.



  1. 4:04 is obviously ignorant to the effects of pot compared to alcohol. Pot heads are not physically impaired from smoking. As i have said on here before pot does not destroy kill or addict lives like other drugs pills or booze has. The stats proove it!!! only the ignorant continue to believe the false news about a god given pure natural plant. Its big pharma and alcohol companies who dont want there bottom line reduced and the politicians whos pockets are lined by the death dealers known as big pharma and alcohol companies!

    1. Spot on!!! No one in over 3000 years has ever overdosed from marijuana. I repeat, NO ONE in over 3000 years has ever overdosed from marijuana consumption

  2. Excellent driver here. Living proof.

  3. I'm a safer driver after placing my head on the end of a baseball bat and spinning around it 10 times fast!

  4. What a load of manure.

  5. Mentally impaired, forgetful, distracted.....where was i going? turn here? doing 25 in a 40 zone. doritos crumbs on fingers making steering wheel greasy lol

  6. 25 in the fast lane.

  7. i have known this information to be true for a long time.
    I definitely drive slower and am much more aware of my surroundings when I am stoned.

  8. 5:32

    Lol because smokers are driving around and forgetting where they're going. So much ignorance about the effects. Facts are facts. Can say "BS" all you want.

    1. What kind of argument is "B.S."?

  9. Oh dude, nothing like hitting a bong man, and running to McDonald's with the munchies man.....puff away dude

  10. The people doing the study were hitting the bong.

  11. Smoking pot chronically has harmful effects. Pot also causes disabilities in the users children and grandchildren and so on. I am not arguing that it is better or worse than drinking. It is just bad! Any article promoting the use in any way is propaganda at best.

    1. Helps with pain. Helps ease cancer effects. Helps seizures. Helps with mental disorders. Help elderly people eat so they don't die. Factual information. It does not change the central nervous system like pain pills do. Therefore you can quit without withdraw like pain pills cause. Again this is factual information. John Hopkins spine top docs will perscibe it.

  12. The safest way to drive. Buckle up and light up. If you get pulled over just say you didn't inhale.

  13. I see some people still believe the gov't BS from decades ago. Need I remind anyone that the gov't has TWO patents on marijuana? It IS beneficial, hence medical marijuana. It has many health benefits and one doesn't have to get high to benefit from it. I never liked the effects from smoking it but I do intend to try the oil for the benefit from it. Legal or not will not stop me. They are many more legal substances that do cause harm even death that are prescribed.

    There are natural substances that have been used for thousands of years and are classified as illegal. Mainly for economic reasons. Drug manufacturers do not make cures, they make customers. Natural substances take away their customers and with them, their profits.

    I believe for every disease there is a natural cure. It may not be discovered yet, or hidden from the public, cures have no profit.

  14. So when can I expect my discount from the insurance company?


  15. Mark Twain: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."

    The posting references accidents as a benchmark for its conclusions. So sober drivers, drunks and stoners all get into a variety of accidents. May be combo drunk and stoner also.

    The accident has to be bad enough to require testing; many are not.

    Anything that reduces driver alertness or response time is problematic; both drunks and stoners fall in this category, and neither is defensible.

    Metabolism rates for alcohol are readily available and published; not so for stoners.

  16. That's why Joints will now be passed out at all toll booths!!

  17. MVA will begin issue of Marajuana with Driver License !!

    On Tag Renewals too..........

  18. As long as Govt gets Tax ...anything goes !!!


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