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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Marco Rubio's attack against Rex Tillerson

Marco Rubio’s line of questioning carried the whiff of political vendetta

Sen. Marco Rubio took to the Senate floor on Wednesday to grandstand against President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for secretary of State, former Exxon Mobile CEO Rex Tillerson.

It was a petulant, childish affair.

Mr. Rubio questioned Mr. Tillerson’s integrity, his moral fiber, and lectured him on his measured, yet completely forthright, responses.

“In order to have moral clarity, we need clarity. We can’t achieve moral clarity with rhetorical ambiguity,” Mr. Rubioscolded, as if he has any experience making international deals, or bending heads of state, where rhetorical ambiguity can be used to one’s advantage.

Would it really be wise for Mr. Tillerson — before he even takes his spot as the world’s top diplomat — to call Russian President Vladimir Putin a “war criminal”? That’s a term even the Obama administration has refused to use.

In addition, it’s clear that Mr. Trump believes Russia can help the U.S. eradicate the Islamic State. Why would Mr. Tillerson look to insult a person he’s going to have to try to negotiate with?



  1. Rubio needs to sit down and shut up.

  2. Rubio is a joke. He is trying to gain attention for himself - that's all. Tillerson was very impressive.

  3. I'd be pissed, too, if someone called me "little Marco" . He's just grandstanding so he can pre-negotiate with Trump to get something he wants down the road. This will be his 'Trump card'. He won't keep Tillis out. It's like a little kid holding his breath to get his way. Can't say I blame him. It's just leverage.


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