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Friday, January 27, 2017

March For Life LIVE

GO HERE to watch this event live, as well as the size of the crowds.


  1. I wonder, did WBOC find this event important enough to send someone to Washington to cover the event? My guess, it's not in their liberal agenda to do so, but I could be wrong. We'll see.

  2. By the way, yes, we have someone there covering this event.

  3. Gee Joe I don't see any "potty mouth, man hating" signs. These ladies, unlike the others, seem to have CLASS. Love it.
    Thanks for the picture!

  4. More people than the media wants you to know about.

  5. I didn't see anything on CNN website about this either. FOX has a write up on it.

  6. MSM only covers choose death events.

  7. 1:29 I didn't either. Unbelievable. I even did several searches on all the different CNN websites. Nothing except last weeks potty mouth, man hating feminists.
    CNN is a DISGRACE. I hope Trump never gives up the fight.


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