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Monday, January 09, 2017

Man sentenced to 22 years in prison for stealing TV remote

A man has been sentenced to more than two decades behind bars, all over a stolen TV remote.

Eric Bramwell of Illinois was convicted and sentenced to 22 years in prison. He was arrested after a universal TV remote was stolen from the common area of an apartment complex.

While that doesn't sound like much, because of Bramwell's past criminal history, he was eligible for up to 30 years in prison.

This wasn't the first remote the 35-year-old was accused of stealing. Prosecutors claim he committed similar thefts of remotes and TVs in several other complexes.



  1. See if the common area remote goes missing from the guard house once he gets into the joint.

  2. Yeah, let's house feed and clothe him for 22 years. That will teach him not to take the remote.

  3. 9/10 he beat a charge & first chance the court got to punish him as they had previously wanted, they did.

  4. They should put him behind bars in a remote location without tv.

  5. Neck tattoos are so classy!

  6. Well damn....we need to keep this guy locked up so in order to get him a bunk for all that time we are going to have to push out a pedophile a murderer our a rapist so let's play paper rock scissors and see who they lucky inmate is that gets released over a t.v. Remote justice at its best


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