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Sunday, January 08, 2017

Local Road Condition Update

So Rt. 50 from Ocean City to Hebron, (at least) is clear. However, getting off Rt. 50 to Memory Garden Lane and Spring Hill Rd. are a mess. 


  1. Any schools closed tomorrow yet??

  2. State roads are clear but when you get to the back roads and neighborhood roads they are a mess. School Parking lots haven't Been touched yet either. I bet schools be closed on Tuesday

  3. high 50's by week's end.

  4. have seen at least 3 County plow trucks drive by my house on Old Ocean City Rd with plow up! Why are they not plowing now when its soft?

  5. 4:09
    Old Ocean City Road is NOT a county road. Old OC and Route 50 are both State maintained roads. Route 353 is also a state road.

  6. OH well, the access road behind the old mall is clean as it can be, but Glen Ave is a mess. Explain that one....

    They even went back at 4 pm to take another swipe at it.
    While Civic Ave was a skating rink.

    So if there is an unused road in the bury, it will be plowed while others will be ignored.

    Just can't make this crap up.

  7. My road hasn't been touched. County road. If you look at the dot Web page that show the main road rt 113 cameras and the snow plows location out on the road it's going to be a while. I'm sure salisbury to oc is good, looking at the photos. Looks clear and you can see pavement. Glad your wife made if safely.

  8. I'll be somewhat kind and take it for fact that some of you just moved here from S FL or S CA and have never seen snow or spent any time in a place that does during the winter...WTF is wrong with you people? It SNOWED and it happens every year here. Some winters less and some more. Snow gets cleared from the major roads/highways first. Not every secondary road can be cleared first - some road is going to be the last cleared. The roads are not a mess, the have ice and snow on them. t requires patience and some level of driving skill to navigate them safely. Judging by the amount of accidents on a clear day let alone a rainy one, most of you shouldn't be driving anyway. Been driving since the early seventies, never had a front wheel drive vehicle until a few years ago, we got around fine. Never in my life have I witnessed such a bunch of whiny, second guessing, know it alls in my life. Truly makes me ashamed to say I am from this area.

  9. I think the state and county workers did an outstanding job - that was a lot of snow


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